Month: March 2019


12 Pax, many who just came off of the latest CSAUP The P200, did not fall prey to the jet lag that can often follow these events. As true with The Hollow brand hard work and strong mumble chatter were present for a full 45 minute beat down. T-claps to the 8 Strideliters and Irrev …

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The Roll of the Dice

The Thang: Open up with prayer then Mosey over to the CMU pile and mosey over to the 1st light pole by the soccer field. Circle up and start with SSH in cadence Next- Hand everyone a dice and explain what will be happening with the dice at each even number light pole 1st Light …

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The Block Wall

The Men of Cat had the opportunity to gain some sore shoulders by carry some blocks around the track.  Mumble chatter started out strong as YHC struggled to start warm up exercises in proper cadence, a teething 10 month old that doesn’t like to sleep is partially to blame. Conditions:  Slightly Moist and wet this …

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