Month: March 2015

Peachy Delight

30 PAX gathered to experience Peachy’s comeback.  YHC hasn’t taken the Q at the Shank lately and was glad to get back in the saddle.  The weather was nice (upper 40’s) and the PAX were ready.  15 PAX assembled at 4:50 for Stridelite and a 3.4 mile run.  That very well may be a Stridelite …

Peachy DelightRead More »

18 pax crush some suicide work on Cemetery Hill along with some broad jump burpees at Crypt

So there has been a lot of talk about BRR training and YHC still isn’t sure if he’ll sign up or not.  However, if he does training needs to start sooner rather than later.  So why not get some running in with the Crypt crew in the form of suicides on Cemetery Hill and other …

18 pax crush some suicide work on Cemetery Hill along with some broad jump burpees at CryptRead More »

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