Month: March 2022

8 Minutes

Hated but loved every second of this one. Betterment was achieved. Suck factor was very high. 3 of our guys completed it with a weight vest. Stupid.  Glad to share my morning with these fellas.  Conditions: 60s, breezy The Thang: Mosey ’round Shank to get the blood flowing COP Hillbillies x 10 IC Catcher’s Squat …

8 MinutesRead More »


Conditions: 60* & 95% humidity Intro: In honor of March Madness, YHC decided to repeat a workout from a few years back with a few tweaks. Disclaimer: Not a professional. Modify as needed. Warmup: SSH x 25 ICTTT x 25 ICLBAC’s x 25 IC forward/reverse The Thang: PAX moseyed to Fair/Rectory for Four Corners. 64 …


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