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8 for a Riddle Party

AO: f3dads Q: McNugget PAX: Pinkman, Lobstah, McNugget, Rexy, Baked Potato, Charmander, Tractor Trailer, Vader FNGs: None COUNT: 8 DISCLAIMER: WARMUP: Lap around the park Variety of plyo stretches (felt so good for the old folks)- 20 second stretches Little baby arm circles IC x 10 forward/back THE THANG: Circuit: 10 squats 20 total lunges …

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Wiffle Ball

AO: f3dads Q: BooBoo PAX: Jabberwocky, Valerie Cagle, Viper, Dungeon Master, Sportskeezy FNGs: None COUNT: 6 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: SSH THE THANG: relay race, wiffle ball :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : COT: popsicles

Space Odyssey

AO: detention Q: MiniMe PAX: Liberace, BlueRhino, Gi String, MiniMe, Broadhead, GreenJeans, Muscles, Saw Horse, Armbar, Roller Skate FNGs: None COUNT: 10 CONDITIONS: Gorgeous! 75 and low humidity STRIDELITE: 2 for Study Hall Ruck DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: Side Straddle Hop Tie Fighters Imperial Walkers Plank Jacks THE THANG: Divided into 2 teams for space-based …

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Graveyard 7/16/24

AO: graveyard Q: Whisper PAX: Cheddar, Dance Machine, Gregg Hendrix, John Wright/ Nature Boy, Marc Barnes, Skeeter M Raines, Talbert Smoak, WeekendSpecial, Whisper, Crack FNGs: None COUNT: 10 CONDITIONS: Hot as hell STRIDELITE: 3 pax for a mile or two DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: the usual THE THANG: field work then some blocks MARY: ANNOUNCEMENTS: …

Graveyard 7/16/24Read More »

The Death Star

AO: detention Q: Broadhead PAX: Broadhead, Adam Way, Gi String, MiniMe, Liberace, Roller Skate, Saw Horse, and Green Jeans, None FNGs: 1 None COUNT: 8 CONDITIONS: Hot and Moist STRIDELITE:1 DISCLAIMER OPENING PRAYER WARMUP: SSH, LBAC, TTT with 5 squats between each exercise THE THANG: The Death Star: 4 Stations around a center station. Start …

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Dude where’s my flag

AO: f3dads Q: Darlene PAX: BooBoo, Snowflake, Lobstah, Pinkman, Dry Heave, Fallout, Baked potato, monster, boss, Rexie, fighting falcon, t rex, Pikachu, machine gun, Queen Elizabeth, goldfish, leapfrog, Valerie Cagle, 1 FNGs: 1 1 COUNT: 18 WARMUP: five Merkins 0YO, 15 little baby arm circles in cadence THE THANG: three rounds of capture the flag …

Dude where’s my flagRead More »

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