Month: January 2017

Historic first in Camden

When: 1/31/2017Conditions: slight chill with a little humidityQIC: Big WormPax: Cornwallis, Schrute, Harper Valley, Big Load, Geico, Timber, Hope Solo, Abbie Wombac, Ponzi, Neon, Sinkhole, Berry, Wojo, Dufresne, Sanford, Big Worm, FNG Jack Carrington (Peach).The Thang:DisclaimerCircle up in Rectory Square park near Fair Street. Brief warm up consisting of arm circles, overhead clap, 20 squats …

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Dippin sauce

Warm up 25 dips 100 side stradle hops 100 LBCs 25 Dips Exercise (get cinderblocks) FOUR rounds run to each station Pull ups 10-8-6-4 Cinderblock push/pulls 30-25-20-15 Big boy sit ups 30-25-20-15 Dips 30-25-20-15 calf raises 30-25-20-15 single leg squats w/ back leg on bench 30-25-20-15 bicep curls with cinderblocks 30-25-20-25

Brutal Circuit

8 PAX enjoyed a circuit of pain around our AO. Warm-up: 20 SSH IC, 15 arm circles forward IC, 15 arm circles backward IC, 10 squats IC, 5 mercans IC. The THANG: The circuit was an 8-stop route that covered about 0.8 miles. PAX continued going through the circuit until time was up. 25 big boys, 25 Russian twists …

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