
No Love from the Bug

AO: score Q: Love Bug PAX: Crawlspace, Lumen, Spool, Nails FNGs: None COUNT: 5 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: Soft pavement with situational awareness on this very wet morning. Stayed off the ground! THE THANG: Maybe it was just me, but Love Bug crushed us this AM. Grabbed bricks and went over to the circle for some half …

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AO: score Q: Dry Heave PAX: Charley (f3Pele), Crawlspace, Nails, Dry Heave, @spool, @grandcanyon, @lovebug, None FNGs: 1 None COUNT: 7 DISCLAIMER: WARMUP: No SSH! THE THANG: Warmup, Brickwork, head over to courtyard for bench work, over to field, wall sits/planks/flutters/freedom twists, back to courtyard to honor the #Skanks, Supermans, more brickwork, end with Dealer’s …

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Spool Returns!

AO: score Q: Spool PAX: OBC, Nails, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 4 DISCLAIMER WARMUP:It has been a while for Spool so we did some extra stretching in addition to normal stuff. THE THANG:Spool, inspired by Pele, added a bunch of BS to the workout, which included a visit to the toy pile and several trips …

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Happy Reunion

AO: score Q: Dealers’ Choice PAX: Crawlspace, Stent, Prenup, OBC FNGs: None COUNT: 4 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: OBC warmed us up and took the first 15 minutes! THE THANG: Dealers Choice on a hot muggy morning! Each Pax took a turn with a mixture of bricks, blocks, running, AB work and leg work. Great way to …

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Escargot and More

AO: score Q: Eric Gluse PAX: Crawlspace, Sled, Nails, Ginsu, Charley (f3Pele), Grand Canyon FNGs: None COUNT: 7 DISCLAIMER WARMUP: Rivet remembered all the usual warm ups with a few twists of his own! THE THANG: Ran left out of the parking lot with stops at Hollywood Square, Betty, Top of the Hill, Sandbox, the …

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Now that was some BS

AO: score Q: Charley (f3Pele) PAX: OBC, Nails, Crawlspace FNGs: None COUNT: 4 WARMUP: Pele filled in for Love Bug who had a last minute conflict. Standard warmup THE THANG:Grabbed toys and journeyed to the courtyard and to the Covid laced athletic field for some good work! Hopefully OBC doesn’t catch anything before he hops …

Now that was some BSRead More »


AO: score Q: Crawlspace PAX: OBC, Sled, Nails, Ginsu, Grand Canyon FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: Since OBC was a little tardy, we went with a Sled friendly warmup, no SSH! THE THANG:Pele reached out and had to bail (hope all is well Pele), so Crawlspace took over for a NO BS workout. Did a …

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