Month: April 2017

F3 The Mission 2-Year Anniversary Convergence

Started by Robber 2 years ago as a way to engage with men of the Oliver Gospel Mission drug and alcohol recovery program, and continued this last year by Serena, The Mission AO celebrated 2 years in existence.  Men from “the program” have teamed with visiting PAX from Columbia, Lexington and Lake Murray regions the …

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F3 Rock Hill 3rd Year Anniversary and The Rock Region Convergence

F3 Rock Hill 3rd Anniversary Saturday May 6th This year marks F3 Rock Hill’s 3 year anniversary. Come join us in the celebration of epic comradery and growth. Comradery is the spirit of friendship and community in a group, like the comradery of soldiers at war who keep each other upbeat despite the difficulty of …

F3 Rock Hill 3rd Year Anniversary and The Rock Region ConvergenceRead More »

Old Dreams Die Hard

With only one round of the NFL Draft complete, the Castle pax worked to improve their draft status by participating in one last Combine workout. The thang: SSH, TTT, Apaches, Big Elderly Arm Circles, SSH, Merkins, Flutterkicks Mosey to Guardshack and back The Combine: Shuttle run with cascading cinderblock reps: a.) 10X shoulder, b.) 10X …

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This is why lawyers, Star Wars and burpees will always lie to you

Someone made a mistake and let Boo have the Q at #Hammer again, and boy did the PAX regret it. The brutal exercises, chilly weather (according to the Hammer boys) and the return of Splinter all combined to make this workout #turrible. But that’s not important because lawyers, Star Wars and burpees are complete garbage. …

This is why lawyers, Star Wars and burpees will always lie to youRead More »

Sandlot Smokefest

Honey Do brought bittersweet pain to today’s workout that included a Viagra sighting. WARMUP: Little baby arm circles / overhead claps 4-count squats x 103 #Random THE THANG: Mosey to soccer field for 100 yard lunge walk to blocks 5 squat-thrusters w/bock & 2 modified block burpees x 5 25 squats with blocks overhead 20 …

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