
Secret Passage: Eggo goes early, SweetTart and Tupperware jump ahead and poor Lego gets very lost

AO: the-wall Q: BunkBed PAX: SweetTart, Tupperware, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Keystone, Friar Tuck, Swingline, Eggo, Lego (F3 LexSC) FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: Eggo gets a jump start on the crowd and scoots around The Peach to say hello, YHC changes a diaper, BabyRuth mistakes Lego’s jeep for a golf cart. Friar Tuck elucidates that not …

Secret Passage: Eggo goes early, SweetTart and Tupperware jump ahead and poor Lego gets very lostRead More »

Summer Beer Tasting & Humid Run

AO: the-wall Q: Keystone PAX: Bemis, Bucket Truck, Cauliflower, Churchkey, Hawg, Keystone, Mud Dawg, DriveBy, Huffy, SlideWhistle, Tarek, Tube Socks, Tupperware, Turtle, Winston FNGs: None COUNT: 15 WARMUP: A few did some early miles. THE THANG: :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : COT: Chicken & Beer with hot & humid running. Tube Socks likes garbage cans!! …

Summer Beer Tasting & Humid RunRead More »

Land of 1000 (2) Lakes

AO: the-wall Q: Garnish PAX: BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Bootleg, Bundy, Cauliflower, Friar Tuck, Garnish, Hawg, Keystone, Lego, Love Child, Mud Dawg, QuickBooks, Stache, SweetTart, Tube Socks, Footstool, Ice Man, Crayolla FNGs: None COUNT: 18 WARMUP: some did miles, check out the hi-tech map/directions THE THANG: :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : my chairs are gross COT: various …

Land of 1000 (2) LakesRead More »

50% participation trophy

AO: the-wall Q: Bemis PAX: Huffy, HolyPoker, Churchkey, Bootleg, Prodigal, SweetTart, Turtle, Bemis FNGs: None COUNT: 8 8 runners partaking in trail miles on the lovely Palmetto trail. 50% participation in tumbling exercises along the route. YHC managed a double by tangling in a vine while recovering from a tumble. :dumpsterfire: @Prodigal continued the fun …

50% participation trophyRead More »


AO: the-wall Q: Love Child PAX: Bundy, Cauliflower, SweetTart, Garnish, Stache, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Bootleg, Turtle, DriveBy, Tube Socks, Bailiff, Keystone, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Gepetto, Swingline, Churchkey, capgun, HolyPoker, Huffy, Winston, FedEx, DNF, Mouth Feel FNGs: 1 Mouth Feel COUNT: 24 WARMUP: long description THE THANG: :alert:​​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​​ : hide your kids. Hide your wife. …


Thunderstorms all day

AO: the-wall Q: Friar Tuck PAX: Bemis, Love Child, Flipper, Bootleg, Stache, Bundy, Garnish, Bailiff, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Swingline, Hawg FNGs: None COUNT: 12 WARMUP: variations of a fun run for many. Talk about all the chatter that came from tube socks and Cauliflower and yet they were no-shows. Describe the route in Easley fashion. THE …

Thunderstorms all dayRead More »

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