• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 


AO: the-wall
Q: Love Child
PAX: Bundy, Cauliflower, SweetTart, Garnish, Stache, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Bootleg, Turtle, DriveBy, Tube Socks, Bailiff, Keystone, Rudder (WeaselShaker), Gepetto, Swingline, Churchkey, capgun, HolyPoker, Huffy, Winston, FedEx, DNF, Mouth Feel
FNGs: 1 Mouth Feel
WARMUP: long description
THE THANG: strava.app.link/eNu1KBnlTJb
:alert:​​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​​ : hide your kids. Hide your wife. Run 26.2 miles unnecessarily if you’re an animal
COT: love your brothers, spouses, coworkers, and friends. Be good humans in your community. Live your best life – you only get 1.

Thank you all so much for being amazing people. Can’t thank my brothers enough for their support of our family during our hard times and great to celebrate with you all! Happy wall-a-versary!

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