AO: sawmill
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: HighChair, Betty Crocker, Full Metal Jacket
FNGs: None
WARMUP: if you were an absolute bad-ass, your warm-arama was a six mile run. Highchair & FMJ did exercises. Betty Crocker did some too.
THE THANG: The world’s largest 4 Corner in the world. Each Pax chose an exercise. Pax asked for clarification on Heels to Heaven. Also did a new exercise Rosalita’s naughty sister, : Nasty Dolly. It involves a curb (edge of a mattress).
Also did some girl push-ups (which I’m not proud of). And some wall planks. Yeah, not sure what muscle group would affect. Or is it
Effect? Well, it was neither. Or is it Either?
The beatdown fell apart from there. And it was all agreed that since we started late, we should make up for it by finishing early.
Coffeeteria was spot on! We can beast a coffeeteria.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : None
COT: prayers for highchairs impending grandchild …..week 38!
Q: Rudder (WeaselShaker)
PAX: HighChair, Betty Crocker, Full Metal Jacket
FNGs: None
WARMUP: if you were an absolute bad-ass, your warm-arama was a six mile run. Highchair & FMJ did exercises. Betty Crocker did some too.
THE THANG: The world’s largest 4 Corner in the world. Each Pax chose an exercise. Pax asked for clarification on Heels to Heaven. Also did a new exercise Rosalita’s naughty sister, : Nasty Dolly. It involves a curb (edge of a mattress).
Also did some girl push-ups (which I’m not proud of). And some wall planks. Yeah, not sure what muscle group would affect. Or is it
Effect? Well, it was neither. Or is it Either?
The beatdown fell apart from there. And it was all agreed that since we started late, we should make up for it by finishing early.
Coffeeteria was spot on! We can beast a coffeeteria.
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : None
COT: prayers for highchairs impending grandchild …..week 38!