
CORE workout group no running that meets at the River Bluff High School Bus Loop
0500-0545 on Tuesday and Thursdays
0600-0700 on Saturdays

Lonely days. lonely nights

AO: boneyard Q: Deadstick PAX: Deadstick FNGs: None COUNT: 1 CONDITIONS: A chilly 37 deg THE THANG: YHC had prepared an actual boot camp workout for the boys at Boneyard. Unfortunately, I got there and was all alone. So I strapped on my ruck and set out around campus

Lonely days. lonely nights

AO: boneyard Q: Deadstick PAX: Deadstick FNGs: None COUNT: 1 CONDITIONS: A chilly 37 deg THE THANG: YHC had prepared an actual boot camp workout for the boys at Boneyard. Unfortunately, I got there and was all alone. So I strapped on my ruck and set out around campus

Lonely days. lonely nights

AO: boneyard Q: Deadstick PAX: Deadstick FNGs: None COUNT: 1 CONDITIONS: A chilly 37 deg THE THANG: YHC had prepared an actual boot camp workout for the boys at Boneyard. Unfortunately, I got there and was all alone. So I strapped on my ruck and set out around campus

Lonely days. lonely nights

AO: boneyard Q: Deadstick PAX: Deadstick FNGs: None COUNT: 1 CONDITIONS: A chilly 37 deg THE THANG: YHC had prepared an actual boot camp workout for the boys at Boneyard. Unfortunately, I got there and was all alone. So I strapped on my ruck and set out around campus

Lonely days. lonely nights

AO: boneyard Q: Deadstick PAX: Deadstick FNGs: None COUNT: 1 CONDITIONS: A chilly 37 deg THE THANG: YHC had prepared an actual boot camp workout for the boys at Boneyard. Unfortunately, I got there and was all alone. So I strapped on my ruck and set out around campus

Lonely days. lonely nights

AO: boneyard Q: Deadstick PAX: Deadstick FNGs: None COUNT: 1 CONDITIONS: A chilly 37 deg THE THANG: YHC had prepared an actual boot camp workout for the boys at Boneyard. Unfortunately, I got there and was all alone. So I strapped on my ruck and set out around campus

The Simple WOD

AO: boneyard Q: Bulldog PAX: Caleb Huffstetler, Bulldog, Strom FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: 42 degrees & crisp STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER: modify as you see fit OPENING PRAYER :pray: WARMUP: 10 x TTTs IC, LBACs x 10 IC>10 x OHClaps IC>10 x LBACs IC THE THANG: 4 x Burpees; 8 x Merkins, 12 x Air Squats; …

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The Simple WOD

AO: boneyard Q: Bulldog PAX: Caleb Huffstetler, Bulldog, Strom FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: 42 degrees & crisp STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER: modify as you see fit OPENING PRAYER :pray: WARMUP: 10 x TTTs IC, LBACs x 10 IC>10 x OHClaps IC>10 x LBACs IC THE THANG: 4 x Burpees; 8 x Merkins, 12 x Air Squats; …

The Simple WODRead More »

The Simple WOD

AO: boneyard Q: Bulldog PAX: Caleb Huffstetler, Bulldog, Strom FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: 42 degrees & crisp STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER: modify as you see fit OPENING PRAYER :pray: WARMUP: 10 x TTTs IC, LBACs x 10 IC>10 x OHClaps IC>10 x LBACs IC THE THANG: 4 x Burpees; 8 x Merkins, 12 x Air Squats; …

The Simple WODRead More »

The Simple WOD

AO: boneyard Q: Bulldog PAX: Caleb Huffstetler, Bulldog, Strom FNGs: None COUNT: 3 CONDITIONS: 42 degrees & crisp STRIDELITE: DISCLAIMER: modify as you see fit OPENING PRAYER :pray: WARMUP: 10 x TTTs IC, LBACs x 10 IC>10 x OHClaps IC>10 x LBACs IC THE THANG: 4 x Burpees; 8 x Merkins, 12 x Air Squats; …

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