• When: 2025-01-02
  • QIC: Fool's Gold
  • The PAX: Moose, Soccer Mom, Lumbergh, Bird Strike, Hostel, Pol Worker, FG (QIC)

Getting Back on Track @ Depot (1/2/25)


Cool and clear with some lingering holiday cheer (and lbs for at least a few of us). A new year is upon us and time to get back in the saddle or in Depot train parlance, back on track for 2025. We circled up, popped on some tunes by the Stones, AC/DC, and a bevy of other tracks and got to work.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it:

  • SSH x 10 IC
  • Hillbillies x 10 IC
  • TTT x 10 IC (slow and wide legs)
  • Keep legs wide and OACs x 10 IC
  • Low-slow squats x 10 IC

Run the big loop, grab a block, and head to the skin tag


Ruck with the block on your back for a lap stopping at 3 stations to complete:

  • Overheads x 10
  • Curls x 20
  • Rows x 30
  • Block Squats x 25 
  • Calf Raises x 50

Deposit your block at the top of the drive then interval run (slow mosey then 80% sprint at YHC’s direction) to the bottom of the hill, up to the FC Soccer gates, the length of Bird Road, back to the block pile and grab another block.

Top of the hill 10 HR Merkins, farmers carry your blocks to the bottom, 20 big boys. Farmers carry to the top, rinse and repeat for 4 cycles of this (when we ran out of time).

Blocks up, circle up, COT, BOM, end workout


Being a scientist, YHC likes to experiment. A big part of the scientific method is reproducibility…doing the same experiment multiple times to see if the results are the same. For the last few months, yours truly has been conducting an elaborate experiment that some of us do around the holidays. Eat everything that’s not nailed down or painted (not sure if that’s WV wisdom, but that’s where I heard it first) and work out only when you feel like it….which turns out, isn’t that often. Good news is, the experiment was a great success and went just like one would predict! Turns out if you eat like shit and don’t workout, you feel like shit. 

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I know Doc, I know, a true Eureka! moment.

Well, it’s a new year and while there is nothing magical about January 1st (or the 2nd in this case), it’s a good time to reflect as one does when there’s a bit more space in the schedule and a bit less space on the belt loop. Whether you are out in the #gloom or not, here’s to finding success in 2025 and finding some new experiments (or revisiting old experiments) that better serve you and those around you.

TClaps to the 6 other #MenOfDepot that kicked the new year off with a bang.


  • Tuesday we have “some northeast Polish guy”, which could be one of two PAX I know of, unless we have another damn yankee coming down to take our jobs and steal our women (or pay taxes into our school system and improve vastly improve the quality of pierogies locally….always two sides to every story)
  • Thursday is our wet-behind-the-ears, brand spankin’ new AOQ Hostel, come on out and support him in arguably the most important leadership role of his career. 


  • Amidst the discussions around holidays and spending time with friends and family the last few weeks, we’ve seen some really terrible and bat-shit crazy stuff happen the first few days of 2025. Prayers for those impacted by these items.
  • Moose told us that an in-law family member unexpectedly passed away over the holidays. Middle-aged guy that had a lot going for him. Outwardly very successful, but dealing with internal things that those around him were unaware of. Prayers for those he left behind and for any of us in a similar boat to reach out to those around us to share the burden. 
  • Unspoken


Successful Experiments>Failed Experiments>Succeeding at Experiments of Failure 


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