• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

I’m not smart enough to figure out a Slackblast

AO: Thunder
Q: Adrian
PAX: Adrian, Insanity, Spot, Grisham, SweetTart, Ronda, Traitor, Phlegm, Froman, Oscar, Bucket Truck, Billy Bob
FNGs: None

(30 second delay to start workout)


SSH x 20 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Moutain Climber x 15 IC
Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
Burpees x 5 OYO

Lap Around Track

To Planters for Triple Stack

Groups of 3 pax – partner 1 (wall squat), partner 2 burpees, partner 3 sprint across the field and back, rinse and repeat for all 3 spots

Plank sequence

Repeat Triple Stack

Plank Sequence

Mosey to Park for Dirty McDeuce

4 sets of 3 different exercise, all x 12 IC

Merkins / Mountain Climber / Russian Twist
Wide arm merkins / plank jack / Spot LBC
Slow fast merkins / mountain climber / Flutters
Knurkins / plank jack / Freddie Mercury

Mosey to Hill (Queen Street?)

Jacob’s Ladder – run to street light – 7 burpees, back down, back up, 6 burpees .. down to 1

Oscar with the Larry Bird on Adrian takes the reigns for: Flutters / LBC / Hello Dolly IC while waiting on pax

Mosey to amphitheater

Partner up – Partner 1 SSH, partner 2 hop to the top and 10 jump lunges, switch

Partner 1 SSH, Partner 2 hop to top 5 burpees, switch

Partner 1 SSH, Partner 2 hop to top 6 jump squats

Plank sequence for 2 min

Jailbreak back to flag


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