• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

The Green Mile

AO: Sandlot
Q: Bayou
PAX: Broke Down, Runt, CESS, Fenway, Two Doses, Snowden, Ruby, Shannon “Anchorman” Kelly
FNGs: None
50yd and back after each
SSH x 10IC + 10 Burpees
Thru-The-Tunnel x 10 IC + 8 Burpees
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC + 6 Burpees
LBAC Forward x 10 IC + 4 Burpees
Reverse x 10 IC + 2 Burpees


Head to the Track (I Go You Go); Merkins/Big Boys on the rest

Lap 1 – Burpee Broad Jump
Lap 2 – Farmers Carry
Lap 3 – Bear Crawl/Lt. Dans
Lap 4 – Indian Run

– Sally Leg Raises
– Roxanne Burpees

5/20 – Mount Mitchell Experience
5/21 – DEKA Strong Tune-Up; Weddington, NC
5/29 – Memorial Day Murph, Starbucks
6/24 – DEKA Fit, Charlotte


Psalm 56:3

“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise. In God, I trust. I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?”
– Psalm 56:3–4

Context Summary

“When I am afraid,” verse three says, “I put my trust in you.” So when you are afraid, lift your eyes to God and say, “I trust in you.” Because when we have our eyes fixed on the things that are happening around us in the world, or things that man or woman can do to us, then there’s a reason for fear, but not when we lift our eyes to the Lord and God, “Whose word I praise.” What about that phrase? “I praise God’s word.” Why does he praise His word?

Because His word is filled with promises that can help us overcome fear. His word is filled with promises like Romans, chapter eight. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Fill your mind and your heart, when you are tempted to be afraid, with promises from God’s word, with the truth of God’s word, that His purposes will prevail, that man or woman’s purpose will not prevail. God’s purpose will prevail.

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