• When: 2020-03-05
  • QIC: Canseco
  • The PAX: Booster, Boo (R), Landing Strip, Swanson, Wapner, Quisenberry, Little Giants, Pick Axe, Sunday Driver, Buttermaker (R), Canseco, Tater

Shot out to Dear Diary … Q throw back from 8/4/18 recycled

All Turning Point pax wearing Blue to support Dear Diary

One this date of March 5th, YHC wanted to continue to show love and support to Dear Diary as he recently transitioned to Agape Hospice House in Lexington yesterday. It is there that he and his wife, Chelsea, and the boys will get comfortable and spend much deserved quality time together as they continue to journey forward on his life path. He continues to have a positive and optimistic attitude and he knows full well that he has all the and love from his home AO and all of his F3 brothers. As a way of honoring Dear Diary, YHC decided to roll with a Dear Diary recycled throw back which he initially Q’d on 8/4/18 on a Saturday. Due to the rain, there was a few modifications that allowed the pax to stay dry in the rain.

Weather: 53 with light steady rain

Disclaimer and COP: Circle up in Front Parking Lot “I am not a professional, I am barely an amateur.” (Something Dear Diary used to always say)

Mosey to under the cover of the breezeway at the front of the school for cover from the rain. (This was modified from Dear Diary’s original Q, which was done around the school grounds with nice August weather)

1.SSH x 10 IC
2.Merkins x 10 IC
3.Thru the tunnel x 10 IC
4.Carolina Drydocks x 10 IC
5.Squats x 10 IC
6.Monkey Humpers x 10 IC

Grab a partner (fortunately there were an even number of pax). Partner #1 runs to the opposite end of the breezeway corridor and back while Partner #2 does exercises, then switch. 1st exercise is Merkins x 100 total, 2nd exercise is Squats x 100 total, 3rd exercise is Calf Raises x 100 total & final exercise is LBC x 100 total.

All Pax Line up and Indian Run for 2 laps of running underneath the breezeway covered area in front of the school. There was a sloppy attempt to form the last lap in a run around the parking lot, as the rain had temporarily lifted

Find your partner and get ready. Partner #1 Bear Crawls or Lunges (option left up to the pax) half way down the corridor breezeway then returns doing the same exercise while Partner #2 does exercises, then switch. 1st exercise is Merkins x 100 total, 2nd exercise is BBSU x 100 total, 3rd exercise is Calf Raises x 100 total and final exercise is Squats x 100.

1.Boat / Canoe x 5 IC
2.Iron Cross x 10 IC
3.American Hammer x 10 IC
4.Flutter Kicks x 43 IC (for Dear Diary’s age)

Announcement: -Updates given by Landing Strip on Dear Diary. GoFundMe page started for Dear Diary yesterday by Booster and is already off to a good start.
-2020 Gauntlet is coming in April 13th-24th
-Cross Ruck planning for April, before Easter

Prayer Requests: -Dear Diary and his family.
-Molly Shealy
-Bulldog (blood clot in leg)
-Tater’s friend Ashley Bagwell who is battling cancer

Devo: Proverbs 13:3 – “He who guards his lips, guards his life.” Since discussing this verse several weeks ago at Wingman YHC has this as a pop up reminder every morning. I personally struggle with this like I am sure many men do.
What an honor to lead these men again. – Dear Diary’s devo written on 8/4/18

Dear Diary has made quite the impact at Turning Point, in the F3 community and definitely within the heart of YHC. His situation has reminded me that life has numerous unexpected twists and turns, that we should enjoy every minute we have with those around us. Dear Diary himself stated this last weekend when YHC and 7 other Turning Point pax went to visit him in the hospital. “Wrap your arms around your family members and loved ones and tell them you love them.” Despite this situation unfolding as it has YHC has felt the hand of God involved as we watch a community wrapping their arms around a family in need, as we see courage in the face of a great guy who has come to a critical time in his health and as we are forced to remember and realize that life is a precious gift and should never be taken for granted. We are all with you John Burbage and prepared to help you stand when your legs are not strong enough to hold you up alone.


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