• When: 2020-05-28
  • QIC: Canseco
  • The PAX: Quisenberry, Buttermaker (R), Boo (R), Wilbur, Pick Axe, Hammer, Hachet, Wapner, Sunday Driver, DARPA, Roadhouse, Granola (R), Treadmill, Canseco, Software, Arrears, Booster

Buns, Guns and Abs…the summertime trio

Weather: 71 degrees and slightly humid; perfect day for a boot camp beat down

5/28/20 Turning Point – Boot Camp

YHC elected to pick 3 specific muscle groups and target those groups in hopes to work muscles to their full capacity…creating soreness and sheer unadulterated muscle growth, that will have the M’s and/or significant others gawking when at the pool or around the house shirtless. Muscle groups selected were glutes, abdominals and biceps.  All complaining and whining welcomed cheerfully with mumblechatter as YHC brought the morning dose of pain.

The Warm Up

Mosey to rear of the school in teacher’s parking lot

Motivator count starting from 6  (few count discrepancies were noted in YHC’s count during this warm-up)
TTT x 10
LBAC x 10 each direction
The Windmill x 10
Imperial Walker x 10
Hillbillies x 10
Mt Climbers x 15
Light Jog x 30 seconds

The Thang


Donkey Hydrants x 30 seconds each leg ( pax get down on all 4’s and then one leg donkey kicks upwards, then back to neutral and then out to the side like a dog marking his territory on a hydrant)

Hip Drivers – while kneeling on both knees and shins, in an upright position sit on your heels then thrust forward and upright with your hips x 1 minute  (discovered during the workout that this is most comfortably done with your knees on a pair of gloves….Thanks Granola)  YHC laughably made solid eye contact with Wapner during this full minute exercise.  Oddly enough, not sure that he minded.

Hip Bridges – while in supine, thrust hips upwards to bridge repeatedly x 1 minute straight

1 Legged Hip Thruster – while seated on your 6, bend one knee and keep your foot on the ground. With your other leg remaining straight, thrust your hip upward to raise and lower your leg x 30 seconds each leg  (this is a real crowd-pleaser and a true burner of the glutes.

Lunge Kick-Back : lunge forward and then rear leg kicks upwards each leg for 30 seconds

Low Squat Hip Abductors – 30 seconds continuous while in a maintained low squat position, adbuct and adduct both knees inward and outward.  Surprisingly, this was discovered to be Wapner’s second “superpower”


Mosey to the low brick wall and bench tables in the back
Plank on wall then Peter Parker x 1 minute
20 squats
Plank continuous  x 1 minute
20 squats
Plank on wall again, side plank x 1 minute rotating arm upwards x 1 minute continuous
20 squats
Plank on wall again, side plank x 1 minute rotating opposite arm upwards x 1 minute continuous
20 squats
Plank on wall again, this time bringing knee to opposite arm 10 x each leg
20 squats

Mosey to brick pile


Pax all get a block, then stay on grass close to brick/block pile (time was running out)

3 exercises: Curls for girls variations
Pax perform each curl from bottom to 50% range (mid-way) x 25
Pax perform each curl from middle position to end range x 25
Pax performs full curl x 10 reps

Repeat each exercise: 15 reps for first 2 exercises, then 5 full Curls

10 more full Curls for the girls then return all blocks and bricks

Mosey back to shovel flag

Mary for remainder of Time

  • Flutter kicks x 30 IC
  • Heel touches x 30 IC


– Cryptonite “Road Warrior Road Show” starts at Turning Point 6 AM – 7 AM for the Kamikazi Saturday 5/30/20

– Any pax who goes to a small business in the town of Lexington and spends $25 and keeps their receipt is eligible for a $25 discount on their water/sewer bill for town of Lexington (see town of Lexington website for details)

– F3 10 year Anniversary in Wilmington, NC Martin Luther King Jr. weekend from Friday to Sunday. Meetings on Leadership and community involvement. More details to come. Registration will open by the end of the month.

Prayer Requests:
Booster’s cousin, Lauren, continuing breast cancer treatment
Swanson’s new addition to the family expected today – @ LMC
Prayers for all F3 pax going through hard times maritally/financially

Devo: The power of Impact – YHC spoke about an employee at the hospital who is a new hire over the past few months who is a developmentally delayed adult. Over the months I have gone out of my way to make this individual smile and compliment her on her job well done at work. One day she approached YHC and said, “You know what? You are my favorite person at work here.” When asked ‘Why’…she replied, “Because you make me smile.”

Never forget the power of impact we have on others, for good or for bad. The works we speak, the actions we take and the example we set. Someone is always watching and you never know how a simple kind word or gesture can uplift someone and help to make the world around them a better place, if even for a temporary time. Make a difference in the life of someone around you, even if it is someone from a distance.

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