• When: 2018-10-22
  • QIC: You, Your AO.
  • The PAX: Lake Murray

A 2018 Thanksgiving Request from the Oliver Gospel Mission

Once again the Oliver Gospel Mission is partnering with Midlands churches to provide a traditional Thanksgiving Day meal to hundreds of families.  A family will be able to prepare this much anticipated meal when they receive a box that contains all the foods that will undoubtedly be prepared at our homes on November 22.  See the picture below for the foods that will be packed into each box.  You’ll see that each box includes a NIV New Testament as well.  OGM has asked Midlands F3 for assistance again this year.  You should know that OGM was blown away by the generosity of Midlands F3 last year.

What: Collect the 7.25 oz Kraft Style boxed Mac & Cheese.

How: Purchase the 7.25 oz boxes AND deliver them to 1100 Taylor Street, Columbia, SC  29201.  AND TWEET your AOs progress to @mcwhirter_eddie so we can track our goal.

The Goal: Lake Murray’s goal is 400 boxes.  OGM needs at least 600 boxes from Midlands F3.  Last year 1015 boxes of Mac was donated by Midlands F3, which allowed each family to have three boxes.

When: Between now and the deadline of November 12.

Did You Know: Depot has a goal of 175 boxes?!

Collecting and delivering this Mac & Cheese is the kind of generosity that F3 does well.  This AO project is like so many endeavors that go towards helping others – the need is simple, the effort is light with many hands, and the payoff is ten fold our work.  Consider involving the family and friends, and push it through the AO to the OGM, and count on the OGM to deliver those boxes to blessed families.  Aye!