• When: 2020-07-04
  • QIC: Fool's Gold, Moose, Stagecoach (sweeper and antibodies)
  • The PAX: 24 PAX - Stagecoach, STH, Jazz Hands, Whitney, Lap Dog, Dracula, Box Wine, Hostel, Soccer Mom, Fiji (Respect x2), Enos (Respect), Loose Screw (Respect x2), Socrates (Respect), Wild Blue (Respect x2), Laettner, Buddy Love, Puddin' Pop (Respect), Day Late, Darla, Shredder, Moose (QIC), Fool's Gold (QIC), Grape Juice (from Beaufort, welcome) Pinto (FNG)

2020 F3 Lake Murray Independence Day Convergence


75.3 degrees F, humidity at 85.3%, barometric pressure slightly dropping indicating a weather front is moving in….oh, did I get this info from a fancy schmancy weather app?

No sir, these specifics came from Fiji.

Apparently one of the benefits of being a double-respect PAX (aside from $0.25 coffee at McDonald’s) is you get real time weather reports from your hip.

Sore Hip GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Just kidding Fiji, you know I love you man.  Let’s go for coffee sometime, I’ll let you buy. 😉

While the air conditions were nice (despite the lack of air conditioning Arrears enjoys in Lexington), the PAX would soon find out that the field conditions were a little well….

Moist GIF | Gfycat

Even with the dank, damp, wetness all around (where has Lumbergh been anyway???), YHC was thrilled to see 23 other PAX iIncluding a FNG and a visiting PAX from F3 Beaufort, #Grape Juice) show up for the F3 Lake Murray Convergence!

It was indeed a special one, as YHC’s beloved Depot would be the host and it was held on Independence Day (more on that later).

Here’s how it went down:


After the one minute warning, the PAX circled up and YHC did an extended disclaimer (the validity of which can only be substantiated by Hostel as the rest of the Depot legal team was either horizontal, rucking, or preparing charcuterie) highlighting the risks (mental and physical injury mostly…maybe some heavy petting) and need for care with social distancing and run on sentence reading (YHC knows all about eye injuries).

The Eyepatch | Otome Amino

Disclaimer given, it was time to inspire the PAX with an original fire-breathing diatribe the likes of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and Herbie Hancock would have been proud of.

Unfortunately, YHC waited till the last minute to prepare, so he had to pull one off the shelf.  After having the PAX respectfully bow their heads in a somber moment, YHC belted out this little diddy courtesy of Bill Pullman…..

Scanning the audience about halfway through, YHC noted a few knowing smiles here and there, a few continued to respectfully bow, while most others looked at each other like…

Confused Double Shot At Love GIF by A Double Shot At Love With DJ ...

As YHC closed an awkward silence enveloped the PAX…it was clear they were ready to begin the workout….mission accomplished!

TClaps to Whitney, Hostel, and a few others for recognizing the origin of the speech.


After the speech went over like a lead balloon, the PAX were instructed to follow YHC single-file as we left BES to the cozy confines of Depot.  TClaps to Moose and Stagecoach for helping herd folks and sweeping the six.

Our nearly half-mile mosey ended up at the southernmost soccer field where PAX were instructed to line up along the baseline (or whatever soccer folks call it) and await further instruction.

With the group assembled, YHC explained to them the second part of the warm-up, the Red Barchetta.  YHC didn’t know it at the time, but this cruel cardio compilation was created by non other than #F3StrutRoyalty Socrates (please send all complaints to him).

(all in single count)

  • Run 100 yards, 100 side straddle hops, run back, 100 side straddle hops
  • Run 75 yards, 75 plank Jacks, run back, 75 plank jacks
  • Run 50 yards, 50 LBCs, run back, 50 LBCs
  • Run 25 yards, 25 merkins, run back, 25 merkins
  • Run 10 yards, 10 burpees, run back, 10 burpees, Flutters on the Six and/or Pick up the Six

TClaps to Lap Dog for claiming victory and for Grape Juice for a 2nd place finish representing F3 Beaufort proudly.

THE THANG Part 1 – 4 Corners

Now that the PAX were warmed up, we divided them into 4 teams and The Knuckle took over the reins for the next activity, a 4 corners exercise.  Since Lap Dog won the individual immunity, he bestowed an advantage on his team who missed out on the 5 burpee penalty to start.

Idol Luke GIF by Australian Survivor - Find & Share on GIPHY

Teams were sent to their respective corners and proceeded to complete the below exercises in a clockwise fashion

  •      Corner 1 – 20 SSHs, 20 Merkins, 20 LBCs,
  •      Corner 2 – 20 SSHs, 10 Burpees, 10 Iron Crosses,
  •      Corner 3 – 20 SSHs, 20 squats, 20 flutters (count only right leg)
  •      Corner 4 – 20 SSHs, 20 monkey humpers, 20 Bonnie Blairs
  •      First team back inside the circle with all of their PAX wins.

YHC’s memory is fuzzy on the team that won, but the immunity idol did not secure first place and an edge in the next challenge for Lap Dog’s team.

We moseyed over to the big soccer fields for the next activity.

THE THANG Part 2 – Cusack your ass off

The PAX arrived at the big soccer fields and their Q’s revealed to them 16 perfectly placed, hermetically sealed and “guaranteed virus free”* cylinder blocks for Part 2.

*Note neither the FDA, USDA, or NCMA (National Concrete Masonry Association) accepts these claims and fully expects pink blocks such as these to likely contain “all the viruses”.

Cusacking would be the main event of the challenge and Grape Juice’s team was bestowed with the advantage of which member from the other teams would get to do the easiest leg of Cusacking (a strategy being, pick the strongest PAX first).

With the “help” of Jazz Hands and a 5 page weinke, YHC and Moose went on to explain the next phase of the convergence.

3 rounds of activities

Round 1
Cusack PAX – Cusack to FIRST light pole and back, if you need to drop the block, 10 big boy penalty for you and your team. Flutters on the six.
All Other PAX – Bear crawl to FIRST light pole, 10 burpees, run back, Flutters on the six.
Round 2
(Select new Cusack PAX) – Cusack PAX – Cusack to SECOND light pole and back if you need to drop the block, 10 big boy penalty for you and your team. Flutters on the six.
All Other PAX – Bear crawl to FIRST light pole, 10 burpees, run to SECOND light pole 10 Squat Jumps, run back, Flutters on the six.
Round 3
(Select 2 new Cusack PAX) Cusack PAX – Cusack to FOURTH light pole and back, if you need to drop the block, 10 big boy penalty for you and your team. Flutters on the six.  Distance was over 1/4 mile, so PAX were allowed to relieve one another in this part.
All Other PAX – Bear crawl to FIRST light pole, 10 burpees, run to SECOND light pole 10 Squat Jumps, run to THIRD light pole 20 Big Boys, run to FOURTH light pole 40 Flutters.

Time running out we put away blocks, cleaned up, and moseyed back to BES to close things up.

Distanced BOM, COT, FNG naming (see below), Announcements, Prayers, conclude BC.


I was so grateful Depot had the opportunity to host such a fine group of HIM at the convergence today!  These things are always a lot of fun as you get to see those brothers from other AOs you don’t typically get to see each week.

It’s especially heartening when you have a spectrum of guys who were there from the inception of F3 in Lake Murray (like Socrates and others) and new guys (like Pinto) who are just starting their F3 journeys, and PAX at every stage in between.

My Independence Day speech was meant to be a little tongue in cheek, but there definitely is a synergy in what F3 is all about and Independence.  Fans of Jocko know his mantra of “Discipline Equals Freedom”.

That statement fits in so well with what F3 is all about.  As we work to accelerate all 3 F’s, it takes discipline to make progress for ourselves and help our brothers do the same.

This journey has its ups and downs, but seeing the efforts the PAX put in today (and every other day) reminds me of how F3 can be that vehicle to help a man achieve independence from mediocrity and start living.

TClaps to the 23 PAX who joined us today and left it all out on the field.

Few specific shout outs there:

TClaps to Shredder from Strut.  First time I had met him and he’s a relative newcomer to F3.   Was great to see him getting after it so much out there.  100% effort.

TClaps to Box Wine, he was in beast mode today.  Definitely got some tiger paws on his helmet today.

TClaps to Joanna for the bag of ice that made the waters so refreshing at the end.

TClaps to my brother Moose for all the help in planning, setting up, and of course the delicious donuts he brought out today!


Dracula brought an FNG with him today!  Judd from Spartanburg who was visiting for the holiday.  He did a great job this AM and displayed some impressive Cusacking skills!  Name chain – Name is Judd (YHC lobbies for Wynonna but other PAX be like…

Thumbs Down GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Judd > works for BMW in the Upstate > Pinto

Welcome Pinto to F3!

Many PAX are meeting at BES at 0530 to run The Bull in downtown Cola.  We’ll clown car down or you can meet us there at the corner of Bull and Blossom Streets at 0600.

We are finalizing our plans to climb Mt. Mitchell the weekend of Friday 7/31 to Sunday 8/2.  We’ll camp out Friday night and do the 11ish mile hike up and down the tallest peak east of the Mississippi on Saturday.  HC to YHC if you are interested ASAP.  Preliminary pre-blast below:

Preblast – Mount Mitchell (NC) Backpacking Trip

As usual, we have an all-star cast of Q’s and some open slots to get in on as well

  • 7/7 – Hostel, fresh back from Las Vegas (see “all the viruses” comment above)
  • 7/9 – The People’s Q Part Deux courtesy of Stagecoach
  • 7/11 – Joanna – If he decides to return from Hilton Head
  • 7/14 – Moose – If he does not return to Hilton Head
  • 7/16 – STH – new truck, new haircut, and new and improved beatdown
  • 7/18, 7/21, 7/23 – OPEN, OPEN, OPEN
  • 7/25 – Joanna – Part Deux
  • 7/28 and 7/30 – Whitney Birthday Celebration Week
  • 8/1 – Convergence at Strut!!

Beyond July, things get a little sparse.  Let’s fill that Q sheet up through the rest of the summer.  Link below if you have misplaced it:

F3 Lake Murray Web App

Leaving this subtle hint here again for someone who is due for his 2020 debut at Depot…..

Image result for laettner gif


Prayers for the many PAX who are either on vacation or preparing to go this summer.  Prayers for safe travels and that they’ll be able to be present and distraction free (Depot chat not included in this statement) for themselves and their families.

Continued prayers for Lap Dog’s MIL and Darla’s wife’s friend, for healing and comfort during illness.

Prayers for our NanTan that he returns quickly from the IR.

Prayers for Fiji and his wife as they embark on (another) cross country adventure to parts known and unknown.  Safe travels!

Our brothers struggling with whatever challenges life is handing them right now.

For those in the front lines of the many challenges that face our country and world right now.



Celebrating Independence Day with your F3 Brothers>Missing BBQ’s due to alien invasions>All The Viruses

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