• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Teddy’s Spaghetti Arms

AO: Woodshed
Q: Teddy
PAX: Silent Bob, Silver Bullet, Pondo, Pipeline, Bonesaw
FNGs: None
20x Sidestraddle Hops in cadence, 20x Imperial Walkers in cadence, 20x Little Baby Arm Circles (10 forward, 10 back), 10 Overhead Claps and 10x Raise the Roof, all in cadence; 20x Windmills in cadence, and 20 Squats OYO

Moseyed out to the cage and grabbed blocks. Circled up for 20 curls, 20 overhead press and 20 tricep extensions.
Cusaked toward the lower playground
Circled up and kncoked out 10 Blockees
Continued Cusacking
Circled up and knocked out 10 napalms with the blocks
Left the Blocks and moseyed down to the playground
Each pax did 3 sets of 5 pullups, 10 ‘mericans and 20 LBCs
Moseyed back to the Blocks and circled up
20 LBCs with the blocks (OYO), 20 Ukranian Twists with the blocks (in cadence) and 20 Flutter Press with the blocks (in cadence)
Recovered and Cusaked back toward the cage
Circled up and knocked out 10 more Napalms OYO
Continued Cusaking back toward the cage
Circled up for 10 more Blockees
Continued Cusaking back
Circled up and knocked out 20 more curls, 20 more overhead press and 20 more tricep extenions, all OYO
Put the blocks away and knocked out 25 ‘Mericans
Moseyed back to the Flag


Shared Baby Ruth’s callout for the GoFundMe benefitting the teacher at Caughman Road Elementary who just lost everything in a fire
Another Steel Hands Sunday in a Month – stay tuned
Prayers for Pondo’s colleagues, one of whom continues to battle cancer and the other who just lost his father
BOM, closed in prayer


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