Q: Spot
PAX: Big Worm, Billy Bob, CESS, Dog-Faced Gremlin, Fergie, Mimosa, Ronda, Spot
FNGs: None
Mosey to field
Stop for four count SSH x 10 spliced with three burpees
Rinse and repeat x three
Mosey to field
Take partial lap around field and line up on goal line
Plank position
Sprint together to 25 yard line
10 merkins and hold plank
Sprint together to 50 yard line
20 merkins and hold plank
Sprint to 25 yard line
30 merkins and hold plank
Sprint to goal line
40 merkins and hold plank
Sprint together to 50 yard line
10 Spot LBCs
Sprint together to goal line
20 Spot LBCs
Sprint together to 50 yard line
30 Spot LBCs
Sprint together to goal line
40 Spot LBCs
One PAX take the sled to the 25 yard line and back while all others complete a Dora:
100 Diamond Merkins
200 Russian Twists
300 Squats
All PAX take a turn with the sled then repeat with 50 yard sled run
Mosey to hill
2 minute plank
1 minute merkins
Big Worm merkins starting with four count (two down/two up) – increase by two counts each additional time
2 minutes of curls for the girls with block
1 minute of burpee presses with block
Kusak to steps with block
Calf and Curl mountain with block
Leave block and bear crawl down
Make way to COT
Ring of Fire (Big Worm Merkins)
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
Prayers for Cess’s Mom
Prayers for Teddy’s family