Q: CESS, CESS, Leprechaun, Misfire, Ronda, Adrian, Spot, Hot lips
PAX: Adrian, Leprechaun, CESS, Hot lips, Spot, Ronda, Misfire
FNGs: None
run to the football field
circle up
5 rounds
3 burpees
line up on the goal line.
bear crawl the length of the field.
10 merkins every 10 yards
lunge walk 20 yards. walk 10 yards.
Circle up. 5 minute EMOM
20, 20, 30, 30, 30. MERKINS
run to the bottom of Belmont Dr.
1 PAX runs to the top and stays.
All others do exercises at the bottom.
Next Pax to the top until all arrive at the top.
Run to the bottom of Witherspoon.
Same concept as Belmont Hill.
20 Merkins to get to one Fiddy!
Indian Run to Belmont and Witherspoon.
25 Merkins OYO
Indian Run to the bottom of Belmont.
AYG back to the mailbox.
25 mo Merkins and run back to the bottom.
Indian Run to Trenholm.
25 mo Merkins.
Run to SATO for 20 Bill Greens.
Run to the Baseball field entrance for 20 mo Bill Greens.
2.75 miles in with 3 minutes to go so we ran to get to 3 miles total.
– CSAUP details are in the works for COLA. Get ready.
– YOU ARE WORTH IT! Keep that in mind and so is someone else in your life. Let them know!
– 10 burpees for Bayou’s M.