Now that #theherd has hosted the ugly Christmas sweater the Christmas season can now get underway. 22 PAX came out on a rainy and 52 degree morning to get better and ugly at the same time. Unfortunately only a handful of PAX dawned their favorite ugly Christmas attire. Those that did added to a variety of ugliness. One PAX wore a Clemson Sweatshirt. Others had the traditional red with gaudy Christmas designs. Present among #theherd was none other than Ralphie from “A Christmas Story” who showed up in his trademark pink bunny suit his aunt gave to him for Christmas. It wasn’t cold enough to get your tongue stuck on the flag pole. There was no double dog dares and no one got their eye shot out.
After disclaimer and opening prayer. PAX circled up for SSH. Mosey to the park entrance for TT Tunnel and Imperial walkers. Mosey down the road o the middle school with high knees, butt kicks etc.
12 days of Christmas work out
1st day a lap around the school parking lot. 2nd day 2 Turkish get ups. 3rd day 3 BB sit ups. 4th day 4 alternating lunges. 5th day 5 Burrrr-peees! 6th day 6 iron crosses. 7th day 7 monkey humpers, 8th day 8 merchans. 9th day 9 LBCs in cadence. 10 day 10 calf raises. 11 Russian twists in cadence. 12 squats.
Mosey to the new school across the street for a change of scenery. Divide up into two groups. Group one plank while twos mosey to the upper part of the car pool line and plank. Twos then mosey to group one and plank again. Ones to another area of park parking lot while twos do squats etc. Go around the parking lot to the shovel flag and finish up with some merry. Excellent work by the PAX. Great turn out for a Saturday. Thanks to all who came out and participated.
T-Claps to #strutbrigade for joining us. Great seeing new faces and old faces who haven’t posted with us in a while.
Announcements: #theherd Christmas dinner Monday Stampede meet 1201 Main street stair climb of tallest building in the state of SC (Capital Center Building). Park on Assembly. Double down opportunity at #themission Strutt Qing. Christmas Eve morning Nativity ruck in downtown Lexington 3 miles. Meet at 0500 at Lex United Methodist Church. Smokey raffle tickets for Special Olympics golf cart.
Prayer Req: For those battling depression as the holidays aren’t always good for them.
And the winner of the Ugliest Sweater was Swanson AKA “Ralphie.” Be sure to share the good news with your aunt. She would be so proud.
Closing prayer and dismiss to Carolina Cafe for Coffieteria (14 for additional fellowship).