• When: 2020-05-28
  • QIC: Hostel
  • The PAX: Bellhop, Whitney, Darla, Buddy Love, Lunch Lady, Bouttime (Cotters)

Red Barchetta?


Low 70’s, humid

1 Minute Warning 



SSH x 10
TTT (w/clap) x 10
OAC x 10
LBAs x 10, reverse 10

The Thang

Mosey to the Real Depot (aka Ballentine Park)

Big Soccer Field

Red Barchetta Designed to get the heart rate up, much like the song by Rush of the same name.

Using disks as markers–100 Yard Dash then 100 SSHs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 75 yard dash then 75 mountain climbers, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 50 yard dash then 50 LBCs, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 25 yard dash then 25 Merkins, run back to start point to plank/wait for six; 10 yard dash then 10 burpees, run back to start point and plank/wait for six.

Definitely got the heart rate going!

Mosey to Hill and partner up. Between the 2 PAX, 100 squats while partner runs up hill and does 20 monkey humpers.

Back to soccer field, where we rinsed and repeated the Red Barchetta…because it was so much fun the first time.

Mosey back to Ballentine Elementary with 1 minute to spare. It was a “Real Ass Kicker” Per F3 Lexicon:

REAL ASS KICKER A workout that is so tough/brutal that every Pax is completely exhausted by the end. See also: Snotwoggler






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