• When: 2023-03-07
  • QIC: Coon Dog
  • The PAX: Blue Rhino, Liberace, Green Jeans, Mini Me (R), Bar Crawl, Cyclops, Broadhead, Train Wreck, One Armed Man, Magic Dust, Rumble Strip, Coon Dog

All the Favorites

Weather Conditions: 60°

12 pax ventured out this morning seeking betterment and the unknown of what YHC would bring as the guest Q.  Detention being the closest AO to YHC’s home, it was a short and pleasant ride over with the aim at delivering a beat down worthy of the Detainees.  All in all, these men performed extremely well and YHC is thankful for the opportunity to come over and Q.  As for the workout, here is how it went:

Disclaimer and Prayer

Mosey around the parking lot and circle up back where we started

COP – All IC
x25 SSH
x20 Imperial Walkers
x15 TTT
x10 Windmills

Mosey to the front parking area
4 Islands

Alternate called exercises to each of the 4 islands that extend into the parking lot.  Plank at the end for the 6, and mosey back to start.
Round 1
Bear Crawl – x10 Merkins
Lunge – x10 Bonny Blairs (each leg)
Round 2
Crawl Bear – x10 Carolina Dry Docks (Cheers Merkins)
Imperial Walker – x10 BBSUs
Round 3
Burpee Broad Jump – x10 Burpees
Squatted Shuffle – x10 Squats (face the other direction after alternating)

Mosey to the block pile and line up at the base of the principal
x10 Naplams at the bottom
Run to the top
x1 Hand Release Merkin
Mosey back to the bottom
Rinse and Repeat, reduce 1 rep at the bottom and add 1 rep at the top



Lexington Race Against Hunger
Segra Park 5K
Governors Cup
St. Baldrick’s Foundation Fundraiser for Kids Cancer Treatment

Prayer Requests & Praises
Green Jeans’ friend Emily
Bar Crawl’s Aunt
Blue Rhino’s son Braden
Magic Dust’s friend Sam
Coon Dog’s friend Thomas and Family


DEVO:  Nothing is too big for Him

We see in Genesis 11:30, “But Sarai was unable to become pregnant and had no children.”
Sarai, Abram’s wife, being barren is a representation of the end, and nothingness in a world full of darkness, depravity, and rebellion.  Thus far we have witnessed the fall, Cain and Abel, the great flood, and the Tower of Babel.  Humanity seemed all but lost.

“Then the Lord said to Abram (in Genesis 12:1-3), “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you.  I will make you into a great nation.  I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.  I will bless those who bless you and curse those who treat you with contempt.  All the families on earth will be blessed through you.”

God spoke, blessing Abram, his descendants, and all those that blessed him, therefore laying the foundation for the redemption of humanity to be saved when His one and only son, Jesus Christ, came and died for our sins.

Just as God spoke in Genesis 1 to start all creation, here he again spoke to save his creation.

There is nothing too big, too great, or too lost, for God to overcome it just by speaking.  Never think that your problems are too big, because the creator of the heavens and the earth, and the One who redeemed us all, has already seen and overcome everything.  Seek Him in you times of need, but also in your times of success, because He is the source of all blessings.


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