• When: 2020-07-09
  • QIC: Stagecoach
  • The PAX: Coppertone, Devito, Hostel, Laettner, TNT, Lunch Lady, Lumbergh, Paint Chip, Soft Toss (R), Soccer Mom, Puddin Pop, Blart, Brother Si, Box Wine, Darla, Whitney, Pothole, Coach K, Buddy Love, Moose, Fools Gold, Sharknado, Stagecoach

The People’s Q – Part Deux

In what may go down as one of the best F3 hijinx ever, months ago, YHC was duped into thinking I had signed up to Q….when I really hadn’t. Credit goes to Pothole, but there were other accomplices. How does that even happen? Someone puts “The People’s Q” on the Q sheet and then convinces YHC that I signed up weeks earlier.  I bought it. Hook, line, and sinker. Showed up and led the workout…when it wasn’t me who was supposed to be leading. Go figure.

Anyway….several months have passed, YHC decided it was time to sign up (for real this time) and today gave everyone The People’s Q – Part Deux (After all, isn’t it about People, not Politics…shameless website plug here )

Was great to see 23 pax in the gloom this morning even with the parking problems created by our beloved Richland County Recreation Commission. Hope everyone enjoyed all 3 Fs!

Conditions:  72 degrees with low chance of Covid

1 minute warning


Warmup:  (yes, YHC believes a short warmup is best since most pax are coming in hot for bootcamps)



IW X 10 IC

The Thang:  Station work with some “get to know each other” thrown in (social distanced, of course)

Mosey to block pile, grab block (pink, don’t ask), circle up on main field – UNDER THE LIGHTS. Note: once again we had a block fatality. This time, the unsub is believed to be Lumbergh.

Count off by six.  Pax then head to 1 of 6 work stations.

Each group asks for the oldest pax to share his age. That age is the number of reps each member of the group performs at each station. After each pax has completed the exercise, write what is asked on the board then head back to center of field and do 20 Curls for the Girls or 20 Overheard Press before running to next station.

Station 1: Merkins – College/High School graduated from

Station 2: Lunges – 2.0 names

Station 3: BBSU – Favorite sports team

Station 4: Carolina Dry Docks – M’s name

Station 5: Squats – Your job

Station 6: V-ups -City/Town grew up

(Enlarge pic to learn more about the 23 men who posted this morning)

Plank waiting on 6

YHC time killer:  20 Block Hops OYO, 20 Rows OYO, 20 Bench Press OYO

Mary – Dealer’s Choice (again, please constituents, I mean crowd)

Cherry Pickers (for Mary?) – TNT

Iron Cross – Paint Chip

LBC – Soft Toss

Ray Charles – Brother Si

Freddie Mercuries – Blart

Rosalitas – Darla

American Hammers – Darla

Merkins (for Mary? he’s new, we’ll let it slide) – Soccer Mom

(It’s Election Year, c’mon, cut me some slack, I’ve got two opponents in the fall)

Moleskin:  I’ve shared earlier with pax that my “give a damn” has broke a few times over the years – particularly with F3.  But I always come back. It comes in waves, might come in waves to you, too.  Be that person that keeps EH and don’t give up. Everyone needs a push back to the gloom – even if they are #UTP (Upper Tier Pax).

I’ve made some great friends and had some great times over the past 7 years (wow, you wouldn’t know it looking at my body – and I know y’all love when I pull my shirt up mid-workout to cool the belly). 

As I tried to show today, F3 is more than just a workout. There are 3 Fs and each are important. Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.  Learn about each other, and always remember prayer should be our first response, not our last resort.



Announcements/Prayer Requests

We are finalizing our plans to climb Mt. Mitchell the weekend of Friday 7/31 to Sunday 8/2.  We’ll camp out Friday night and do the 11ish mile hike up and down the tallest peak east of the Mississippi on Saturday.  HC to YHC if you are interested ASAP.  Preliminary pre-blast is here.

Brian Hatcher – Cancer spread to spine, radiation starting again, pulmonary embolism. Please pray for comfort, healing and that he doesn’t get exposed to Covid


What is the proper role of men in the family and society? History reveals extremes from the family dictator to the bumbling sitcom dad. What did God design?

Society has many different ideas about what the role of men should be. But what did our great and loving Creator intend?

In the beginning …

To answer that question we need to start in the beginning, at the creation of Adam and Eve. In Genesis 2 we see that Adam was created before Eve. Adam was given the task of naming all of the animals. It seems clear that at least part of the purpose for this was to help him realize that none of these creatures were “comparable to him.” Every other creature had its mate; but Adam was at that point alone, the only one of his kind (verse 20).

After he was done naming all the animals, God then created a very special blessing for him—a woman fashioned from Adam’s own rib. The connection between them was undeniable. Together they had a oneness—they formed a family, a complete unit (verse 24).

New Testament instructions

In the New Testament, the apostle Paul very specifically outlined the leadership roles God intended within the family in Ephesians 5:23. Here we see that the husband is to be the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church. That sets a very high standard for men to live up to!

What specifically is this standard God expects men to live up to? Verse 25 makes two very important points. The first is that Christ “loved” the Church. There are many definitions for love. But one that would describe Christ’s love for the Church is “unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another” (Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary).

The second point (which is an extension of Christ’s love) is that He gave Himself for the Church. What is described in these verses is authority as the head of the family and a commitment to fulfill the needs of the family. Jesus Christ demonstrated that real leadership and real love are self-sacrificing in order to provide what is needed to those who are led and loved.

The husband’s role is intended to be one of loving authority and not a harsh authoritarian role. And as a loving authority, the husband is accountable to God for the welfare of his family—physically, morally, spiritually and emotionally.

Further evidence of a man’s role as head of the household is found in 1 Timothy 3. This passage (verses 1 to 13) is talking about the qualifications of “bishops” and “deacons”—leaders in the Church congregation. These standards are benchmarks for all Christians to strive for. In this context, verses 4 and 5 state that a leader should be one who “rules his own house well” and that his children must be in submission.

With understanding and honor

The apostle Peter adds to our understanding in 1 Peter 3:7. Here husbands are instructed to “dwell with them [their wives] with understanding, giving honor to the wife as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life.” There are three points made here:

1. The husband must dwell with his wife with understanding. Of course, this evokes many humorous comments because there are men who feel they can never “understand” their wives. Sadly, many husbands and wives simply do not take sufficient time with each other or even try to get to know each other well enough to “understand” what the other may struggle with or be going through. One-on-one quality time together is necessary, no matter how long a couple has been together.

2. What about the “weaker vessel” part of this passage? Women are generally smaller and not as physically strong as a man. So God is directing husbands to take care of their wives, to look out for, cherish and demonstrate tenderness toward them. When God created woman, He could have made her equal in strength and stature to the man, but He did not. Instead, He gave man the responsibility to protect, care for and give honor to her.

3. The third part of this passage is “being heirs together of the grace of life.” The Moffatt translation states, “You must honor them as heirs equally with yourselves of the grace of life.” The potential to be children of God in His Kingdom is the same for both men and women.

While God established certain roles for men and other roles for women in our physical families, there is nothing in Scripture to indicate one sex has more favor with God, or that one would have preeminence in the coming Kingdom. The relationship between husband and wife today should be harmonious and one of mutual love and respect, knowing that both are to equally inherit eternal life.

Role of a father

When a man marries and children start coming along, he enters a different phase of life. So it is important to ask: What is a man’s responsibility toward his children?

There is an old saying about fatherhood: “The greatest gift a father can give to his children is to love their mother.” The family begins when a man and woman are joined as husband and wife. The family grows from the two of them together, and the marriage relationship must remain the bedrock of the family.

From infancy onward, children should be comforted by the close and loving relationship they see demonstrated between their mother and father. This gives stability to the family and credibility to the father as he goes on to properly teach and train his children.

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