• When: 2019-11-02
  • QIC: F3LM150
  • The PAX: Socrates, Wild Blue, Enos, Fiji, Hoser, Bones, Depends, Plan B, Metermaid, Slate, Uncle Rico, Lap Dog, Neck Brace, Smithers, STH, Milkman, Bellhop, Fool's Gold, Moose, Devito, Lumbergh, Roommate, Boxwine, Stagecoach, Clarece

F3LM150 October 2019 Update

Good day all!

It’s been a little over 2 months since we revived the @f3LM150 challenge and much work has been done!  This is the 2nd monthly update covering the period from when we started 9/1/19 through Saturday 11/2/19.  For last month’s results, see here:

September 2019 F3LM150 Update

Since last month, we picked up Clarece and our total pax who have participated number 26 and include:

Well done men!

F3LM150 – 150+ Post Challenge

Currently 10 of our pax are tracking posts for the year long 150 post challenge.  Significant progress continued for these men throughout the month of October.  Socrates (who hit 200 last month) has continued to consistently march forward and has 250 posts well within reach.  Slate is on track to break 200 in November and Neck Brace and Smithers are not far behind and trending to hit 200 by year end.

FG and Devito made good gains in the last month and are trending to hit just above or below 150 posts by year end.  The balance of the pax are slightly above or below 100 posts year to date, but with ~8 weeks still remaining in the challenge, 150 could still within reach if they push it.

As of 11/2/19, this group has combined for around 1400 posts this year!  #DRP #ISI

F3LM150 – Back to School 50 post challenge

Our 26 pax participating in the back to school challenge had another great month in October!

From an AO standpoint, Depot and the combined Strut/Foxhole/Twilight (aka SFT)  are fielding the most pax so far (10 each respectively).  As with the September update Depot leads with the most total posts and GOAT has the highest number of posts per pax on average.

At the end of this week, we saw our first HIM cross the 50 post finish line as STH strategically hit 50 posts on the nose on 11/2/19.  This dude has been #accelerating all year and the self-professed “I’m not a runner” will find himself in a P200 van in just a few short months!  Congrats brother!

Image result for clapping gif

STH can’t rest on his laurels though, as there are a number of other pax that are on pace to hit 50 posts soon nipping on his heels.  Lap Dog, Fool’s Gold, and Socrates will likely cross the 50 post mark before the next update.

TClaps to our October leaders from each AO!!!

  • Strut/Foxhole/Twilight
    • Socrates, Wild Blue, and Enos
  • GOAT
    • Lap Dog, Slate, and Neck Brace
  • Depot
    • STH, Fool’s Gold, and Milkman
  • Overall Individual
    • STH (Depot)
    • Lap Dog (GOAT)
    • Fool’s Gold (Depot)
    • Socrates (Strut)
    • Slate (GOAT)
    • Milkman (Depot)
    • Neck Brace (GOAT)
    • Smithers (GOAT)
    • Wild Blue (Strut)
    • Enos (Strut)
    • Moose (Depot)

F3LM150 – Moleskin

The research shows that it takes anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months to establish a habit.  Most (all maybe?) of the pax participating in this event have been doing F3 for a while now, but I’m not sure how many diligently tracked their posts before.  From personal experience, it helps me to track them and feel good about when I’m staying caught up and motivates me with a kick in the ass when I’m falling short.  Hopefully you are finding this helpful as you work toward whatever goals you may have.

If you do find this beneficial, I’d encourage you to EH some PAX here in the last few months of the year to get them started in doing the same.  If you aren’t finding it helpful, I’d encourage you to reach out with what could be done/tracked/presented differently to help give you the slight edge you need to get better.

On the note of continuous improvement, I do want to take a hard look at our “rules” for F3LM150 as we enter the new year with the lens of “what can we do differently to encourage or incentivize pax to #accelerate at a greater pace”.  I will be soliciting feedback from PAX on this, but if you’d like to be a part of it let me know!

The last 2 months of the year are when each of us will be stretched thinnest.  We’ve got family commitments, holidays, and year end work obligations.  It is also the time of the year when the weather begins to get a little more uncomfortable.  F3 is all about getting comfortable being uncomfortable, so let’s bundle up, put on those big boy ranger panties, and get after it!

Image result for bundle up gif