• When: 2020-01-29
  • QIC: Socrates
  • The PAX: Deebo, Fiji, Rook, Wild Blue, GED, Sharknado, Lamont, and YHC

Anchors Aweigh

Conditions: 35 degrees, 91% humidity, Winds W1

8 PAX gather on the shores of Lake Murray to celebrate YHC’s return to the Anchor Q.  As a special treat the PAX in attendance, they were treated to the musical selections from YHC’s Spotify massive rotation list, which has a little of everything.  You’re welcome!

Today’s musical selection is a fitting tribute to kettlebells:

The Fitbit tells me its 0515, so here we go, disclaimer, opening prayer, and circle up for:

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  • 15 Windmills (IC) Image result for pete townshend gif
  • 15 TTT’s (IC)
  • 24 LAC’s (12 each direction) (IC) (do not let arms pass parallel)
  • 24 Overhead Claps (IC) (do not let arms pass parallel)
  • 24 Raise the Roofs (IC) (do not let arms pass parallel)
  • 24 Dirty Bird (IC) (do not let arms pass parallel)
  • 20 Crossed-eyed seal claps

The Main Thang:

Circuit Training:

Each circuit follows the same pattern. Reps begin at 5/20 then ladder by 5s to the inverse, 20/5.

Close out the circuit with Around the Worlds while waiting on the 6.

  1. KB Swing / Merkins
  2. KB Squat / Dead Lift
  3. Tricep extension / Curls
  4. Napalms / Bent-over Rows

Time for Mary Mary:

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  • 20 LBCs
  • 2 Hello Dollys
  • 20 Freddie Mercurys
  • 20 Ray Charles.

Rally for COT and BOM. Closing prayer.

Naked Moleskin: Great effort by the Anchor contingent. Thanks for allowing me to return as Q. It has been a while since I have posted at the lake.   Outstanding discussion at the end as well.

Praises and Prayer Requests:

  • Prayers for John Burbage (Dear Diary)
  • Those affected by the depression/suicide


  • Anchor needs Qs, signup!


  • F3 (2nd and 3rd Fs) Lunches are a-plenty. Check Twitter and the website for details.  In fact, there is a whole lot going on, so check the website and Twitter often for updates. Another good place to look for updates/info is in the announcements of the posted Back Blasts.


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Enough of that, now for the

Devotional: (which I forgot) from Our Daily Bread

Life to the Full

Today’s Scripture & Insight:

John 10:7–15

The year was 1918, near the end of World War I, and photographer Eric Enstrom was putting together a portfolio of his work. He wanted to include one that communicated a sense of fullness in a time that felt quite empty to so many people. In his now much-loved photo, a bearded old man sits at a table with his head bowed and his hands clasped in prayer. On the surface before him there is only a book, spectacles, a bowl of gruel, a loaf of bread, and a knife. Nothing more, but also nothing less.

Some might say the photograph reveals scarcity. But Enstrom’s point was quite the opposite: Here is a full life, one lived in gratitude, one you and I can experience as well regardless of our circumstances. Jesus announces the good news in John 10: “life . . . to the full” (v. 10). We do a grave disservice to such good news when we equate full with many things. The fullness Jesus speaks of isn’t measured in worldly categories like riches or real estate, but rather a heart, mind, soul, and strength brimming in gratitude that the Good Shepherd gave “his life for the sheep” (v. 11), and cares for us and our daily needs. This is a full life—enjoying relationship with God—that’s possible for every one of us.

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