• When: 
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  • The PAX: 

The River

AO: Woodshed
Q: Teddy
PAX: Silent Bob, Silver Bullet, Pipeline, Side Salad, Teddy
FNGs: None
5 pax ante’d up for a poker run at Woodshed this morning.
20 side straddle hops in cadence, 20 imperial walkers in cadence, 10 little baby arm circles forward and back, 10 over head claps and 10 raise the roof, all in cadence, 20 windmills in cadence, 20 squats OYO
Mosey over to the circus and deal the cards for Texas Hold’em.
WE played three head to head matches with the winners not having to do the exercises in the pot- 10 burpees, 2 laps of the circus (raised from 1 lap by Pipes) and 60 calf raises (raised and re-raised from 20 by Silent Bob). Many variations of ‘mericans, sit ups, lunges and squats were completed by the group as the cards dictated. After three hands, moseyed back to COT.
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