• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Great Weather for some Gross Hills!

AO: stumble
Q: Prodigal
PAX: capgun, Serena, TapeWorm, Ash (COMZ), HolyPoker, TomTom (3rd F), Prodigal, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Looked like TW, BR, and CG got warmed up.
THE THANG:https://routes.rungoapp.com/route/spFCPYvvGA
:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : Check announcements page for upcoming anniversaries, Lighthouse for Life, etc.
COT: Prayers for Tilly, Lighthouse for Life, end of all war/conflict; YHC expressed deep thanks for the fellowship of F3, particularly in light of this observation (excerpted from a longer thread on “X”): “Pastors need spaces where they aren’t ‘on.’ Where they can take their collar off. Without outside fraternity pastors burn themselves out.” F3 is a rich blessing to us all as a “third place”, and uniquely so to me in this way – I thank God for it and for all of you!

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