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  • The PAX: 

Ruby Q

AO: Sandlot
Q: Ruby
PAX: Bayou, Coin Flip, Fenway, Hasbro, Ruby, Two Gloves
FNGs: None
SSHs x 15, 3 burpees
Tths x 15, 3 burpees
IWs x 15, 3 burpees
Abe Vigodas x 15, 3 burpees
Squats x 15, 3 burpees
LBACs – forward, backwards x 10 each
OHP x 10, Arm flutters x 10

Hot Tub Hill-
Started with 10 merkins and added an exercise (10 reps at each stop), iron cross, Carolina dry socks, rowers, squats, gas pumpers and 4 x 4s at the last stop
Moseyed to block pile
20 curl and press
20 goblet squats
20 gorilla shuffle
15 Chicago sit ups
15 Superman’s
15 SSHs in cadence
15 clean and press
15 block swings
NE convergence at the Castle this Sat 0700. Chicken biscuits courtesy of Fenway
Proverbs 27-17. As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another.
Can’t state enough that this is what F3 does for me and others.

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