• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Ruby Q

AO: Sandlot
Q: Ruby
PAX: Bayou, Coin Flip, Runt, Two Gloves
FNGs: None
SSHs x 15, 3 burpees, TTHs x 15, 3 burpees, IWs x 15, 3 burpees, Abe Vigodas x 15, 3 burpees, LBACs forward and backwards x 10 each, 3 burpees, Raise the Roof, seal claps x 10 each, 3 burpees

Alternated sets of the following:
5 man-makers with coupon, 10 bent over rows, 15 goblet squats, 20 curls for girls, 25 big boys (or some core variation)
5 man-makers, 10 overhead press, 15 merkins, 20 lunges, 25 core variation
Each round was followed by either a farmers carry, bear crawl/crawl bear, or mosey
3 rounds of each set
Added in 2 4x4s to get our burpee count to 50

Beast on Q for Saturday at Sandlot
Charleston 10 yr 3/11/23


Remember to look to Christ for support and strength. Things are not going to always go the way we want. Resist the urge to show frustration, stop, reflect, and ask for strength. Remember “This too shall pass”.

Praise reports for Runts sister and Fenways sister showing improvement
Prayers for our brothers family members to keep getting better, for our brothers that have been out to come back soon.

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