• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Sleasley Fartsack VQ

AO: Rogue
Q: Sleasley
PAX: Friar Tuck, Bemis, LA Gear, Swingline, capgun, Easy Street, Shocker, clickbait, crabdaddy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Immediate pondering if the VQ is coming followed by realization of a fart sack scenario
THE THANG: down MoM, Beltline, azalea, Wilmot, Duncan, Kilbourne, rosewood, gills creek, Pelham
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Speed for need this weekend, bunch of races happening, Capgun hosting the wall scavenger hunt Saturday, Steel hands with M’s and 2.0’s May 21
COT: easy street’s FIL as he goes through chemo. The family who lost the mom in the car wreck a couple days ago on Beltline

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