Friar Tuck

Parking lot loops

AO: rogue Q: clickbait PAX: BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Friar Tuck, Swingline, Quaker, HolyPoker FNGs: None COUNT: 6 DISCLAIMER: might get dizzy WARMUP: talked about plumbing rates THE THANG: some partook in a rogue boot camp, the 3 33 yr olds ran 1/2 mile loops in the parking lot for a total of 4 miles. 2 33 …

Parking lot loopsRead More »

Humpday Vortex

AO: ramble Q: Hawg PAX: Friar Tuck, Garnish, Butters, Tube Socks, Bootleg, Paper Boo, Bundy, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Keystone, Swingline, Turtle, Cauliflower, Churchkey, QuickBooks, DriveBy FNGs: None COUNT: 16 WARMUP: Pre-miles for some THE THANG: :alert:​ ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert:​ : Sign up for Hero Hustle 9/7/24. Reach out to QuickBooks if your company or organization is …

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Secret Passage: Eggo goes early, SweetTart and Tupperware jump ahead and poor Lego gets very lost

AO: the-wall Q: BunkBed PAX: SweetTart, Tupperware, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Keystone, Friar Tuck, Swingline, Eggo, Lego (F3 LexSC) FNGs: None COUNT: 9 WARMUP: Eggo gets a jump start on the crowd and scoots around The Peach to say hello, YHC changes a diaper, BabyRuth mistakes Lego’s jeep for a golf cart. Friar Tuck elucidates that not …

Secret Passage: Eggo goes early, SweetTart and Tupperware jump ahead and poor Lego gets very lostRead More »

Where’s Tube Socks?

AO: ramble Q: Huffy PAX: Frogger, Friar Tuck, Turtle, Churchkey, SweetTart, Keystone, Paper Boo FNGs: None COUNT: 8 THE THANG: Run around for about 4 miles. :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : None COT: Prayers for Tube Socks, Mal & Juniper. Speedy Recovery for Teddy

Happy 248th Birthday America even though Bailiff tried to ruin it by not showing up for his Q.

AO: ramble Q: Turtle PAX: Bunch, Love Child, Huffy, SweetTart, Friar Tuck, Churchkey, Turtle, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Stache, Swingline, QuickBooks, Bundy, Keystone, Not Bailiff FNGs: None COUNT: 13 – would have been at least 14 if the Q had shown WARMUP: Where is the Q, any baby updates, oh wow a cyber truck! THE THANG: 6.3 …

Happy 248th Birthday America even though Bailiff tried to ruin it by not showing up for his Q.Read More »

Tuesday 10k through Forest Acres

AO: rogue Q: Flipper PAX: Huffy, Cauliflower, Bemis, Winston, Ash (COMZ), Swingline, Friar Tuck FNGs: None COUNT: 8 WARMUP: talk and enjoy the cooler weather THE THANG: COT: prayers for Friar Tuck’s father in law

Pastafarians Unite

AO: ramble-book-club Q: Huffy PAX: QuickBooks, Costanza, DriveBy, BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall), Friar Tuck, Swingline FNGs: None COUNT: 7 WARMUP: Eat some Pasta THE THANG: Discuss the pasta. Lots of great discussion around food, cultural appropriation, history, guns, and white man taste. :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : BabyRuth(AOQ TheWall) has your Q on August 6th. Wild at Heart.

Ramble Keystone Sweat Fest

AO: ramble Q: Keystone PAX: Churchkey, Friar Tuck, QuickBooks, Keystone, Frogger, Turtle FNGs: None COUNT: 6 WARMUP: THE THANG: :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : The Wall heads to Lexington COT: The route took us by QuickBooks & Turtle ancestral homes. Sweat fest until October!! July heat is here!!

Didn’t get into Harvard

AO: ramble Q: Garnish PAX: Bootleg, Bundy, Friar Tuck, Garnish, Hawg, Love Child, Paper Boo, QuickBooks, SlideWhistle, Turtle, Windy, Tube Socks FNGs: None COUNT: 12 WARMUP: read the route THE THANG: we missed Harvard (label your streets like the rest of the country, Rosewood) :alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: : be mindful of our surroundings, wear …

Didn’t get into HarvardRead More »

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