YHC brought the traveling show to the men of The Hollow today – not the first visit but it was the first Q. It’s always nice to hang out with legends (aka GraveDigger & Kenwood) and to meet new pax. A solid 9 pax (incl 2 gazelles getting in some miles) took the DRP and were rewarded with a reenactment from a classic scene from “Say Anything.” A concrete block was substituted for Cusack’s boombox and it went a little something like this….
Link to Today’s Playlist
Conditions: A chilly 40 deg and windy
The Thang
Time called, no FNG’s – Disclaimer & Prayer
Warmup mosey around parking lot
Head to Block Pile, grab blocks and return to courtyard – plank for 6
COP (all exercises IC x 15)
- Windmills
- Prisoner squats
- LBAC (f/r)
- Raise the Roof
- 10 Burpees OYO
Block Party
- Plank (rt arm up/lt arm up)
- 10 Merkins OYO
- Cusack Carry to other sidewalk and plank
- 10 merkins OYO
- 10 Iron Crosses OYO with block
- Cusack Carry to other side and plank
- 10 merkins OYO
- Block squats x 10 IC
- Cusack Carry across and plank
- 10 Merkins OYO
- 10 Iron Crosses OYO
- Cusack Carry across and plank
- 10 one-leg Merkins (rt leg)
- 10 one-leg Merkins (lt leg up)
- Cusack Carry across and plank
Partner Relay
#1 farmer carry both blocks across while #2 performs exercises (flapjack until total reps are completed and plank for 6)
- Block squats x 100
- IWs x 200
#1 Cusack Carry one block across while #2 performs exercises (flapjack until total reps are completed and plank for 6)
- Iron Crosses x 100
- Thrusters x 100
Sprint to wall and back (AYG)
Return blocks to pile and head back to Courtyard
- Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
- Bird Dog Plank (rt arm & lt leg up – flapjack) OMC
- Phil Niekros (rt side & lt side) x 10 OYO
Jailbreak to Shovel Flag
- 6 year Convergence at Graveyard on February 29 at 0630
Breakfast cereal/oatmeal drive for Mission Lexington – details here
- Scotch’s father
- Dear Diary & family
- YHC’s friend – Mandy Snow passed yesterday morning after a long fight with pancreatic cancer. Prayers of comfort and peace for her husband, John, and their 3 children.
- Laura Nicholson (All 9s M’s friend from graduate school in AL) passed away in her sleep Monday night at 36yo
- Marriages
As YHC approaches 50, daily readings from the great philosophers, our founders and noted authors throughout history have become a staple. This was an excerpt in a collection of essays from the book Manvotionals: Timeless Wisdom & Advise On Living The 7 Manly Virtues
Oath of the Knights of the Round Table
Then all the knights arose, and each knight held up before him the cross of the hilt of his sword, and each knight spake word for word as King Arthur spake. And this was the covenant of their Knighthood of the Round Table: That they would be gentle unto the weak; that they would be courageous unto the strong; that they would be terrible unto the wicked and evil-doer; that they would defend the helpless who should call upon them for aid; that all women should be held unto them sacred; that they would stand unto the defence of one another whensoever such defence should be required; that they would be merciful unto all men; that they would be gentle of deed, true in friendship, and faithful in love. This was their covenant, and unto it each knight sware upon the cross of his sword, and witness thereof did kiss the hilt thereof.