• When: 2018-05-03
  • QIC: Juice
  • The PAX: Overage, Bambi, Meter, Shine, FNG Austin Ormond > Elsie, Ranger (respect), Rockdrop (respect), Lube, Trickle, Scotch, Pig Pen, Drisocket, Brita, Lumbergh, Paper Jam, Peachy, Ken Doll, Popoff, Pennyworth, Juice

The Last Day….

….as AOQ.  When YHC rolled into Ambush this morning for stridelite it was a strange feeling.  For the last year it has been a pleasure leading this AO.  Letting go of that is hard for someone like YHC who has a touch of OCD.  But part of the point of F3 is to invigorate male leadership in our community, and new leadership is a good thing.  Anyways, a beatdown was on the agenda before the keys could be turned over.  As the strideliters finished and the cars rolled in, and Bambi and Meter peddled in we had 20 of the finest pax for what YHC had planned.  Heres how it went.

Conditions: 64.  Clear.  With a waning gibbous to light the way


Mosey to the Hexagon for COP:
SSH x 20 IC
TTT x 20 IC
Burpees x 20 IC

The Thang :
Half a Howler
10 Dips,  1 lap around the Hexagon
10 Dips, 15 Decline Merkins, 2 laps around the Hexagon
10 Dips, 15 Decline Merkins, 20 Incline Merkins, 3 laps around the Hexagon
10 Dips, 15 Decline Merkins , 20 Incline Merkins, 25 Step Ups, 4 laps around the Hexagon

Looking at the time I decided to cut The Howler off at the halfway point.
Mosey to the basketball court.

Partner up for Doracides
Partner one exercises, partner 2 does suicides.  The suicides are with burpees : 1 at the free throw line, 2 at half court, 3 at opposite FT line, 4 at opposite base line.  Run forward across and backwards back.
Exercises are: 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBS’s

Mosey to grassy area for Plankarama
Hydraulics x 15 IC
American Hammers x 15 IC
Peter Parkers x 15 IC
Flutter Kicks x 15 IC
Shoulder Taps x 15 IC
Gas Pumps x 15 IC

Mosey back to the Flag

20 pax joined today with 1 FNG >> Austin Ormond>>21>>Heavy Equipment guy>>NY>>grew up on dairy farm>>Teat>> Udder>>ELSIE  Welcome Elsie

F3 Lex 3rd F 5K- This Saturday
Next weekend is Get in the Pink, PW’s is pushing his Aunt in the Speed for Need chair.  Be there if you can.

Devo and Big announcement:
We hear the words Iron Sharpen Iron a lot in F3.

The verse comes from Proverbs 27 Verse 17.  It reads, “Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another”

My study Bible gives some comments on that verse:  As a file sharpens an ax or a sharpening steel a carving knife, good friends encourage one another to grow in wisdom and godliness, even if it requires painful criticism.

There are many ways we sharpen one another.  Accountability, encouragement, constructive criticism.

Psalm 141 Verse 5 reads tells us that we should receive criticism.

Let a righteous man strike me—it is a kindness;
let him rebuke me—it is oil for my head;
let my head not refuse it.


Hebrew 3 speaks about encouragement. Verse 12-13

Watch out, brothers, so that there won’t be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart that departs from the living God. But encourage each other daily, while it is still called today, so that none of you is hardened by sin’s deception.

Over the last year I have had the opportunity to lead Ambush.  I wondered if and how I would do it.  It has been easier than I expected.  Largely because of each man here today.  In different ways you have sharpened me.  I have received plenty of encouragement and accountability here.  I have even learned how to better take criticism.    I was humbled to take the reins and this is a bittersweet time.  I have enjoyed every minute of leading this group of men.  This group of leaders.  But as the old saying goes, all good things must come to an end.

It’s time for another man to step in.  A man who has pushed himself and each of us to do the harder thing.  A man that will give the shirt off his back to any man here.  He steps up and leads whenever needed.  He steps up and leads when we don’t recognize the need. He encourages, he holds us accountable, and without a doubt he will criticize.    Paper Jam.  Its my honor to pass the flag to you.  Everybody welcome PJ as the new AOQ of Ambush.

Paper Jam made some remarks about how each of us sharpen one another.  Big thanks to Ken Doll for starting F3 in Lexington.  To Peachy for starting Ambush and bringing a bunch of FNG’s into the mix.  He said other things, like he typically does, but overall, YHC was impressed by his words.  It can only go down from here.

Prayer and we punched it out.