YHC teased out on the Shawshank page that they would be introduced to Monica on Tuesday morning. Even after the workout, it was still unclear the meaning of Monica. It all had to do with the number 7.
Conditions: 70 degrees, 100% humidity
The Thang:
Warm up mosey
SSH x 10 IC
IW x 10 IC
Monica: 7 minute AMRAP with merkin variation, leg exercise, core exercise, 7 reps each
Decline Merkins x 7
Box Jumps x 7
LBCs (feet on bench) x 7
Lap around parking lot
x 7 minutes
Hand Release Merkins x 7
Squats x 7
American Hammers x 7 (2-ct)
x 7 minutes
Plank Jack Merkins x 7
Squat Jumps x 7
Mt Climbers x 7 (2-ct)
x 7 minutes
Derkins x 7
Hip Openers x 7
BBSU x 7
x 7 minutes
Incline Merkins x 7
Step Ups x 7 (each leg)
Iron Cross x 7
Lap around parking lot
x 7 minutes
Devo: Mark 6:50 “But Jesus spoke to them at once, “Don’t be afraid,” her said. “Take courage! I am here!”
Prayer Requests:
-Those in path of Dorian
-Rick and Melissa
-Beaver Pelt’s employment
-Cheers’ M
-IronPax Challenge begins this week. Not too late to register. Details and registration: https://f3greenwood.com/2019/07/27/iron-pax-2019/
-We need mentors. 30 minutes per week is all it takes.
-9/6-9/7: Blue Ridge Relay
-9/21: 9/11 Challenge hosted by Smokehouse
-11/16: John Flanagan Memorial 10k. https://lexingtonhalf.com/pages/race-10k.php
-2/15/20: Dam to Dam Relay. Register here: www.damtodamrelay.com
-3/27-3/28: Palmetto 200