BRR is coming and a few teammates would be at Detention, so the workout had to go easy on the legs. So we continued the #Fillthesleeves theme and got our pump on (H4T may be pumping during lunch while at work in his new rest area).
Also…Let’s Go, Hokies!!!
Weather: Slightly humid
The Thang:
Intro, disclaimer, prayer
Mosey down to the blocks and find the basketball court that was over to our left, no right, no left, no right in front of us to the left right…
SSH x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
LBAC x 10 IC f/r
OH Claps x 10 IC
LBAC x 10 IC r/f
Merkins x 10 OMC
Pick up block
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 21
- OH Triceps Ext x 21
- Merkins x 10 OMC
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 20
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 19
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 18
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 17
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 16
- Put block down, Lying Triceps Ext x 5
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 15
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 14
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 13
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 12
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 11
- Put block down, LBAC x 10 IC f/r
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 10
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 9
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 8
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 7
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 6
- Put block down, then pick it back up for Bent over row w/ block x 10 IC
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 5
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 4
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 3
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 2
- Curl 21’s
- Press x 1
- Put block down, then pick it back up for Block Swings x 10 OYO
- Curl 21’s
Put blocks back up and mosey back to the flag that wasn’t there
Plank for a while till everyone gets there and then keep planking for about 20 more seconds, get those butts down.
Frutter Kicks x 10 IC
BRR this week
T2T next weekend
Go Leo 5K next month, see Thumbs Up for Need for Speed details
Harbison 50K – join H4T, Postal, YHC, Rocking Chair, Chair, and Ken Doll for some fun
Harbison 100 – join those same pax for 3x+ the fun
Prayer Requests