• When: 2018-01-11
  • QIC: Boucher
  • The PAX: JJ, Weewee, Long haul, Cramls, Netzero, Abner

Blocks and Light Poles

This was the first time YHC had the Q at Surge and the pax did not disappoint.  On a side note there are a lot of light poles at Surge.



Mosey to loading dock area for COP


Imperial Walkers x20 IC

TTT x20 IC (sorry for going out of order JJ)

LBAC both ways x10each

Over Head Clap x20


Head Over and grab a Block


After grabbing block head over to the long run way in front of school.  Every time you pass a light pole do 20 over head press (about 4-5 poles on way there)

4 Light poles along front run way(around 150yards)

10 block merkins at Pole one

20 Over Head press at Pole 2

20 Curls at Pole 3

20 Block Swings at Pole 4

Over Head block carry as you move to each pole.  After going to Pole 2 then go back to Pole 1, then back to Pole 2, then Pole 3, then back to Pole 2, then Pole 1… repeat this all the way out to Pole 4. Performing the excerise of each pole on way out and back when you pass the pole.


Head back toward the loading dock. Stop at do 20 over head press at each light pole you pass on way back.  (5-6 Pole).  Return blocks.

Mosey to benches. At bench 10 Incline Merkins, 10 Decline Merkins, 20 dip x3 sets.


Mosey to cones in drop off line.  Cone 1 10Carolina dry docs, Cone 2 20 LBC, alternate at every other cone.  Same as light poles. After moving to a cone head back to start doing exercise when you pass cone.

Recover head back to Flag.




Dam to Dam

Grow ruck


prayer request: JJs Dad, Cramps Mom having surgery and coworker having surgery.