• When: 2019-03-02
  • QIC: Bulldog, Floppy Disk, Ken Doll, Mac, No Help
  • The PAX: Bulldog, Floppy Disk, Ken Doll, Mac, No Help, Ranger, Rocking Chair, Swabby, Good Hands, Globogym, Quisenberry, Chicken Fried, Granola, Shake-n-Bake, GI Jane, Wee Wee, GED, Glory Days, Blindside, No Show, Blackout, Breaker Breaker, Hash & Rice, Muggy Tape, GraveDigger, Fuzzy Navel, Three Way, Knozit, Zen Master, Ariel, Doggy Paddle, Pick Axe, Katniss, Surcharge, Diesel, Sand Wedge, Crab Legs, Scotch, Cheerleader, Pale Rider, Dunphy, Nub, Wino, Matlock, Alter Boy, Eve, Banjo, Plumb Bob, Training Wheels, Glowworm, Da Bears, Tailpipe, Rate Hike, Dance Machine, Wild Blue, Steamer, Mayhem, Say What!?, Wilbur, Spackle, Trickle, Hopper, Hemingway, Rah Rah, Gnarly Goat, Cowbell, Iron Mary, Forrest, Clipboard, Breakfast Club, Box Wine, Soaker, Cheers, Neckbrace, Taurasi, Sir Topham Hat, Magoo, Lap Dog, Arrears, Fool's Gold, Laettner, Moist, Tumbler, Wingback, Minion, Milli Vanilli, Boo Boo, Seacrest, Inuit, Husker, Columbo, Convoy, Jo Pa, Lock Box, Hobby Lobby, The Don, Po, Smokey, Dracula, Malfunction Junction, Shank, Wapner, Bumblebee, Optimus, Harp, Sauerkraut, Button, H4T, Tinkle, Itchy, Postal, Lego, Noah, Mulligan, FNG-Hamburglar, Poppers, Kelly, Tea Party, Wall Splat, Avalanche, Dr. Quinn, Strut, Zip Code, Run Flat, Ctrl-Alt-Delete, Booo, CHiPs, SlumLord, Panhandle, FNG-Dorothy, CoPay, Ramblin' Wreck, Drisocket, Thumbs Up, Jobu, Escobar, Olive Oil, Chedda, Rock Drop, Chum, Beibs, Wrecking Ball, Dirty Bird, Weekend Special, Deadstick, Netflix, Bing, Creature, Pinky Pie, Bailout, Utah, Booster, Rebar, Paper Jam, Dominion, Bad Company, Buzzsaw, Brick, Coon Dog, DooDah, Kenwood, Bonsai

5-Year Anniversary Convergence

Five years ago, 103 men converged at RBHS to launch Lexington’s first bootcamp to eventually be known as Graveyard. Nine months later, F3 Lexington (SC) was born.

Remarkable things have happened in the last 5 years. Men have become healthier physically, mentally, and spiritually. We have invigorated male community leadership. We have raised a lot of money for a variety of wonderful causes. We have donated our time for people less fortunate than us. We have also experienced unspeakable tragedy that has forged our community of brothers and sisters.

This morning we celebrated our anniversary the best way we know how: strong FITNESS, strong FELLOWSHIP, and strong FAITH. We are thankful that men hopped in clowncars from regions outside of ours to support us and strengthen us. We are thankful that the Nation sent TRUEbadour Gnarly Goat to check on us and share some kinds words. We are thankful that F3 was given away freely to us 5 years ago by F3 Columbia. We are thankful and humbled that 161 men chose to wake up early this Saturday AM to sharpen either other.

Our Nantan Ranger voluntold Bulldog, Floppy Disk, Mac, No Help, and YHC to Q this year’s annivergence. We wanted to do something a little different this time. Instead of transitioning to 4 different spots/Qs, we decided to administer our own form of an hour long downPAINment to the pax unfortunate enough to draw our card. Each pax was given a card upon entry to the stadium. Your card was your Q.

Here’s the way it went down:

Conditions: mid 50s

The Thang:

Pledge of Allegiance

UF goes to the football field
Hearts meet at outdoor gym for No Help Q
Diamonds meet at press box for Bulldog Q
Clubs meet at Gator Commons for Mac Q
Spades meet at concession for KD Q

Bulldog’s Press box/stadium bleacher beatdown

Partner up and your exercise # to remember at each station is 10. 9 stations for each rotation.

Here we go:

In the beginning, while everyone is waiting to go for the group in front of you, you are performing the following warm-up exercises IC and rinse/repeat until time to go.
SSHs x 10 IC; TTT x 10 IC; IWs x 10 IC

First group goes starting at the top left stairwell of the stadium bleachers. You will find a log or blocks at the top of each bleacher stairwell. When you finish your exercise, you run down the stairwell over to the next stairwell and then up to the top to your next station. Then over to the next station and back down the stairwell, over to the next and back up top….when you reach the end of bleachers, you and your partner run down the last stairwell, around the back of the bleachers, up the stairs to the right press box stairwell, up the stairwell to top of press box and then complete 10 block merkins. Then back down the other press box stairwell and go to your first station to start your next rotation.

Here are the rotation of exercises:
Log/Block curls
BBSUs with logs and blocks
Squats with logs & blocks
Shoulders press with logs & blocks
Iron Crosses with logs & blocks
Calf raises with logs & blocks
Seated chest press with logs & blocks
Flutter kicks IC with logs & blocks
American Hammers with logs & blocks


Side straddle hop x 20
Thru the tunnel x 20
Imperial Walker x 20
Windmill x 20
LBAC x15 forward and backerds

Mosey around the lot by the tennis courts
Bulgarian ball busters x 15 each leg
Morning Wood x 10 each side
Merkinators x 10 OYO
T-plank merkins x 10 OYO

Mosey to the bottom of Tennis court hill
Rings of Fire
count off into groups of 5-6
Plank in a circle facing in
First Pax does 15 Merkins and runs around circle and assumes plank position again.
Next Pax starts merkins once the last Pax starts running.
Rinse and repeat with 10 and then 5.
Teams that finish SSH OYO
Rinse and repeat with air chair and squats.

Mosey to Bandcamp hill
Triple Nickel
Sprint to the top
5 burpees.
Sprint back down
5 burpees
Rinse and Repeat 5 times

Ken Doll

Meet in front of concession stand

SSH x 10 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 IC

Stationary 11s
Burpees / Squat Jumps

Mosey to Cemetery Hill

The Reaper was our region’s 1st higher intensity workout so it’s only natural we let our visitors get a taste, if for only 8 minutes

The Reaper
Run up cemetery hill – 21 merkins
Run down – 21 LBCs
R&R for 8 min increasing 1 rep each lap

Double Applesauce up cemetery hill then to field up top

Circle up for plank fest

Merkins x 10 IC
Plank Jacks x 10 IC
Shoulder Taps x 10 IC
Merkins x 10 OMC

Partner up & line up at end of field

P1 bear crawls while P2 performs 5 burpees. After 5 burpees, run to P1 and flapjack until both partners get to the end of the field
Plank waiting on 6
R&R for the trip back but lunge instead of bear crawl

Mosey back for Mary

Flutter kicks x 15 IC
American Hammers x 15 IC
Freddie Mercuries x 15 IC

Recover & meet for COT

No Help

Mosey up to the outdoor gym


SSH x 10 IC
LBAC x 10 IC F/B
OH Claps x 10 IC
LBAC x 10 IC B/F
TTT x 10 IC

Break off into groups of 8

Group 1: Pair up on a tire. First pax flips the tire then does a burpee, second pax flips the tire back and does a burpee. Rinse and repeat until each pax completes 10 burpees.

Group 2: Merkins x 10/BBSU x 10, rinse and repeat

Group 3: AMRAP pull-ups

Groups rotate when the tire groups done. Completed two rounds of this.

Group 1: Pair up on a tire. First pax flips the tire then does a burpee, second pax flips the tire back and does a burpee. Rinse and repeat until each pax completes 10 burpees.

Group 2: 10 incline Merkins/10 decline Merkins

Group 3: AMRAP Dips

Group rotates on the tire group again.

Circle back up

Merkins x 5/Pulse Merkins x 5/Merkins x 5/Pulse Merkins x 5

Incline Merkins x 5/Pulse Merkins x 5/Incline Merkins x 5/Pulse Merkins x 5

Mosey back to the stadium


Devo led by Floppy Disk:

Surrender Brings Victory

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

At precisely 9:04 A.M on September 2, 1945 aboard the battleship USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, World War II officially ended. Signing on behalf of Emperor Hirohito, the Japanese foreign minister inked his signature to the document acknowledging Japan’s complete and unconditional surrender to the Allied powers. It was an awesome sight for those few that attended. General MacArthur punctuated the ceremony by expressing the deep desire of all who witnessed this moment: “It is my earnest hope — indeed the hope of all mankind — that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out of the carnage of the past.” If you follow history, you know what emerged from this moment: a U.S. Led economic recovery plan. It fostered a slow but steady recovery from the ashes of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, enabling it to become one of the most productive peaceful centuries in the world.

By all accounts, placing itself at the mercy of the prevailing powers allowed Japan to renew itself, rebuild, and recover. But first the Japanese military and government had to completely give up, lay down its arms, and surrender unconditionally. This is certainly a great illustration of what is necessary for us to experience the love that God has provided for us his children.

Imagine Japan’s coming to the formal table on the USS Missouri and saying to General MacArthur, we’ll sign, but we want to strike through the “unconditional” part. We will agree, however, to using the phrase “mostly surrender.’” That wouldn’t have cut it with MacArthur or the leaders back in Washington, D.C. And neither would it with God.

Your Father will provide the faith that you need to surrender to Him.

-Tclaps and thanks to Fast Casual and staff at Salsaritas for hosting coffeteria this AM. Great food and fellowship.

-Best part of the morning: Blackout presented Blindside with a gift from the pax. The Capps family is going to Memphis for treatment for 2.0 Maggie who has been dealing with seizures for far too long.

-2nd best: Thumbs Up forgetting what he’s raising money for. Luckily, Shake-n-Bake was able to pick up the pieces by speaking passionately about Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the kids we have been able to help through previous Man of the Year campaigns.
-Great having Gnarly Goat join us this AM. The Nation’s TRUEbadour hopefully got a good workout in. We appreciate the kind words of encouragement.

-Thanks to Rate Hike for sharing his F3 story this AM. Powerful testimony.
-Mac claims the deck was stacked as he got mumblechatter kings Blindside, Wapner, Notebook, and Thumbs Up.
-How great was it to see Mac again. We sure do miss that guy.
-Tclaps to Hopper for donating reflective shirts to pax in attendance
-Cobains if YHC misses any but we had several regions visit us: Alpha, Lake Murray, Columbia, Waynesville, Lake Norman, Augusta, North Augusta, Aiken, Evans, Greenwood, Charleston, Swamp Rabbit…maybe more. Iron Sharpens Iron!

-Thumb’s Up is candidate for LLS Man of the Year. Details to come. Follow his page on Facebook
-We need mentors! Ask YHC for details
-3/9: Lighthouse for Life 5k: Register: https://www.runhard.org/pages/race-lighthouse.php
-3/16: Lexington Race Against Hunger. Register here: https://lrah2019.org/
-3/22-23: P200
-4/8-4/19: The Gauntlet. Preblast: https://www.f3midlands.com/columbia-sc/gauntlet-2019