• When: 2018-06-15
  • QIC: Plan B
  • The PAX: Metermaid, Grand Slam, Flash, Tory, FNG Icky Picky, Lunch Lady, Taz, Skunky, Little Bubba, Uncle Rico, Diva, Blart, Scrappy, FNG Bear, Gerrymander, Jackie Bradley Jr., Princess, Red Card, Kris Kross, Owl, Butterbean, Sweet Pea, Rollie Pollie, SUGAR SNAP!, Plan B, Peanut, Bruiser

F3LM Fridays For Father’s 2.0 Boot Camp!

Summer is officially here, which means it’s time to give in to the kiddos and let them come out to the gloom to get a taste of the F3 life.  These family boot camps have long been one of the highlights of the summer for me and my mini-pax.  It’s fun to run around and be goofy with our kids, but it’s even better just to hang out and let them into this little slice of our world.

This morning we had 27 dads & kids (10 pax/17 2.0s) join us at Foxhole to work our bodies and have some fun.  Sort of like a mother that sneaks some vegetables onto a kids dinner plate by hiding it in a casserole or something, we were able to put together some games that kept things fun for the 2.0s, but also kept everyone moving and got a good sweat going for the Dads.

Awesome job by all pax, but here are a few special mentions and Awards…

  • Welcome to FNGs Icky Picky (Tory) and Bear (Blart)
  • The “Mr. Fertility” Award goes to Duggarbean Butterbean, who brought the most 2.0s (3)… His M&Ms.  I’m no math major, but i don’t think TLC will be knocking down his door for a reality show until he gets well into double digits!  Keep working on it Mr. Duggar.
  • The “We Love Our Kids The Most” Award goes to Foxhole for being the AO with the most pax present (Plan B, Metermaid, Tory)
    • Foxhole Pax – 3
    • GOAT Pax – 2
    • Twilight Pax – 2
    • Depot Pax – 1
    • Speedtrap Pax – 1
    • Handballer – 1
  • The “Proudest Pop” Award goes to Metermaid.  His son Grand Slam volunteered on his own to lead our closing prayer.  Great job Grand Slam, and good work Metermaid.

Here’s how everything went down…


74 and humid


Disclaimer & Warmup:

  • SSH x 10
  • TTT x 10
  • Little Arm Circles x 10 both ways (Metermaid)
  • Overhead Arm Claps x 10 (Tory)
  • Run in place x 10 (led by Kriss Kross)

Friday Relay:

Break into even teams & line up behind a jump rope facing green building.

Kids in front, dads in back of each line.

  • One at a time, on “go” jump rope 5 times
  • Run to green building for 5 squat jumps
  • Sprint back to start and hug dad before the next person starts
  • Everyone not running, alternate SSH, High Knees, and Overhead Arm Clap

Roll the Dice:

Kids roll dice on the game grid drawn out in parking spaces & everyone does the exercise it lands on and the reps determined by the dice.

  • Donkey Kicks – on all fours, but kick both legs up for 1 rep.
  • Smurf Jacks – SSH but in a squat position the whole time
  • Mountain Climbers – on all fours, but sort of running in place
  • Lap around parking lot
  • Run the hill (or stairs) and back
  • Bear crawl around grass island
  • Roll again
  • Burpees

Target Practice:

Tennis balls at the Hula Hoop…

Round 1

  • Make it – give 5 merkins to someone else
  • Miss it – you have to do 5 merkins

Round 2

  • Make it – give someone 10 squats
  • Miss it – You have to do 10 squats

The Burnout:

  • All kids get a tennis ball.
  • On count of 3, kids throw balls as high in air as possible.
  • All pax do high knees until every ball has stopped bouncing/rolling/moving.

Shovel Flag:



6/23 – F3iA Family Workout.  8:00 am at Depot.  All F3 and FiA pax and kids join in the region wide family event.

7/6 – July edition of First Friday Fathers.  Location TBD.  Plan to come back for some more family fun.  Holler if you want to lead part or all of it. The kids will love having some input in scripting out a good, fun workout.


  • Prayers for safety for everyone traveling this summer.
  • Prayers for Aim High and Fiji from Strut and the health issues their wives are facing.
  • Prayers for several local children facing difficult battles with cancer.
  • Prayers for this brotherhood and all of our families.


We were running late and YHC completely forgot to do the devotion.  It’s one I’ve used before, but it’s a great reminder at this point of the year… Here it is for those of you keeping score at home.

Genesis 2: 1-3

So the earth, the sky, and everything in them were finished. God finished the work he was doing, so on the seventh day he rested from his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it special because on that day he rested from all the work he did while creating the world.

  • Summer is here… Kids are out of school, vacations are coming up, it is a built in break for a lot of people.
  • Even though we don’t get a long break from work the way kids do from school, we can still make it a point to pump the breaks and slow things down a bit.
  • Take time for your families. Leave time in your schedule to just sit and reflect, talk, go for a walk with the family, or just do nothing at all!
  • Put down the phone, laptop, tablet and go make the most of this down time with the fam before things get crazy again.
  • It’s okay to take advantage of a little rest time…. Even God did that!