• When: 
  • QIC: 
  • The PAX: 

Half Ash Murph

AO: woodshed
Q: Ash (COMZ)
PAX: SweetTart, Silent Bob, Kenny G, Silver Bullet, Side Salad
FNGs: None
Standard disclaimer about how other pax should not feel intimidated by my brand new hip.

PAX went through some warmup exercises in the parking lot before moseying through the neighborhood.
Imperial Walkers IC
Arm Circle circuit IC
Merkins IC
Plank series
Flutter Kicks IC
Ray Charles IC
Big boy sit-ups OYO

Half Ash Murph!
1. Mosey 0.5 miles – pax took a 1/2 route to the playground. Stopping once for a mini pain station (squats and big boy sit-ups)
2. OYO 50 pull-ups, 100 merkins, 150 squats. PAX encouraged to push themselves OYO as YHC kept an eye on the time. Came together with a quick plank series before leaving the playground.
3. Mosey > 0.50 miles – pax took a wrong turn and made the mosey back to the flag slightly longer. Stopping once for a Silent Bob pain station.
Closed out the workout with some Teddy Rolls.

:alert: ANNOUNCEMENTS :alert: :
Q School 8/10
F3 Family Day 8/17
End of August: anniversaries for Thunder, Woodshed and a runvergence at Stumble

COT: prayers offered up for intentions shared and ones left unsaid

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