Today’s workout was a modification of one I’ve used at Dawnstrike before, with 4 pain stations designed to all work targeted muscle groups – abs, chest, triceps (what are those?), back, legs, and then some high intensity cardio between sets. I really like this workout because I think it is well designed to give rest to different areas between reps, works muscle groups that we don’t focus on much (back anyone?), and is a true “bootcamp,” compared to some of my workouts which are basically runs with some bootcamp mixed in.
The Thang
- 50 Air Press
- Lap around the school and back to the parking lot.
Station 1: Brick Area
- 1:00 Wall Sit
- 13 In and Outs IC (Abs)
- 14 Decline Merkins (Chest)
- 15 Dips (Triceps)
- 1:00 Superman (Back)
- 20 Catcher Squats (Legs)
Crab Walk halfway to Hand steps (shoulders)
Station 2: Hand Steps
- 13 Flutterkicks IC (Abs)
- 14 Merkins (Chest)
- 15 Side Tri-Rise Each Arm (Triceps)
- 1:00 Superman (Back)
- 16 Carolina Dry Docks (Shoulders)
- 10 Burpees (Cardio)
Station 3: Front of Hand
- 13 V-Ups or Reach for the Sky (Abs)
- 14 Diamond Merkins (Chest)
- 15 Carolina Dry Docks (Shoulders)
- 1:00 Superman + 1 bonus Aquaman (Back)
- 8 Burpees (Cardio)
Station 4: Basketball Court
- 13 Imperial Walkers IC (Abs)
- 6 Dive Bombers (Chest)
- 15 Carolina Dry Docks (Shoulders)
- 1:00 Superman (Back)
- Burp & Merk up to 7 (Cardio) – 1 burpee & 7 merkins, then 2 burpee & 6 merkins, etc
Bear Crawl halfway to parking lot (Shoulders and Triceps)
Bonus Round
Dora 1,2 – Partner 1 sprints 100% effort across field and then walks or slow jogs back to catch his breath. Partner 2 does merkins/squats. When Partner 1 returns, partner 2 takes 5 seconds to catch their breath then flapjack. 2 reps
Reverse Burpee – 45 seconds
Bonus Round Burnout
100% sprint across field then mosey back to flag
Prayers for Seeker’s godmother
Beads – “I Am Third”