Conditions: Coolish but humid
The Thang: 10 pax collected at Starbucks. Most returned. Some excellent times this morning for a longer run, including near 10K PR’s on just a regular Wednesday. Folks getting better.
The route: Go West, go South till you can’t go no more, turn right, turn right, Go North til Devine, go East up MoM. Fairly simple, nobody stopped at the flophouse, but there was an Elvis sighting at Circle K.
Announcements: Ragnar Simulation this Friday/Saturday. 5K Stumble, 10k after work Friday Palmetto Trail, 10 miles on Saturday on a trail (Harbison).
Still collecting donations for the Mission to help them enter the Jailbreak 5K at Pine Island.
Blitzvergence tomorrow for Legion/Woodshed
Prayer requests: Bloodwork- Adoption going smooth but hasn’t been able to leave Michigan yet, in a hotel with mom and baby.
Taurasi, for those with nobody to pray for them, and end of war.