9 members of The Herd joined YHC on a glorious morning at Jumanji today to get better.
My last Q was February 1st. Six weeks has passed since knee surgery and all is well, so it was time to get back to QIC duties. No better place to return & share a beatdown than with the great men of Jumanji.
Conditions: 71 degrees and clear (perfect conditions)
The Thang
Time was called – No FNG’s
Disclaimer, Prayer
Mosey to Howard Park Entrance
COP (All x15 IC)
- Windmill
Mosey to Northside Car Drop Off
COP (All x 15 IC)
- LBAC (Thumbs Up/forward)
- LBAC (Thumbs down/reverse)
- OH Clap
- Cherry Pickers
- Raise the Roof
Mosey to grass area @ Front of School
COP (All x15 IC)
- Squats
- Merkins
- Alternating Lunges – both legs
Mosey to front parking lot
Cone Drills
- 4 Cone Drill with Tennis Balls
- Sprint to cone 1/grab tennis ball/sprint to Cone 2 & place tennis ball/sprint to cone 3 and grab tennis ball/sprint to cone 4 and place tennis ball (All pax complete drill x2)
- 4 Cone Drill
- (sprint/shuffle/sprint/shuffle) around cones
- (sprint/karaoke/backpedal/karaoke) around cones
- 3 Cone Drill (NFL Combine staple)
- All pax x 3
- Mountain Climbers
Mosey back to Car Drop off
Wall of Fire
- All pax Peoples’s Chair
- each pax – 10 merkins until all complete
Mosey to end of Drop-Off by benches
- Step-ups R/L legs (x 10 IC)
- Dips (10 OYO)
- Rinse & Repeat
Mosey to Lego Land and grab block and head to SF
Farmer Carry Frisbee Relay
- Split pax into 1s & 2s
- 2 pax from each team will alternate frisbee throws to Light Pole
- Pax not throwing must Farmer Carry both blocks to Frisbee until target is hit
- Once hitting target, thrower grabs a block and both return to start
Block Party (IC)
- All pax plank on block
- Merkins (x 10)
- Cusack Carry 10 yards and plank
- Merkins x 10
- OH Press (x 10)
- Cusack Carry 10 yards and plank
- Merkins x 10
- Chest Press (x 10)
- return blocks
Jailbreak to Shovel Flag
- 3rd F 5K on Saturday at Timmerman Trail in Cayce (Mac’s Charity Race for LLS) – All AOs closed on Saturday to encourage participation
- Strut hosting Cookout for The Mission on Friday, May 11th (5:30p – until) at Seven Oaks Park in Irmo
- Columbo – prayer for wisdom on his next career move
- Whalen (Tuff Guy)
- #radiosilent – discussed a new initiative started by pax of Wander to help us reconnect with our family each night. Choose to put the phone/computer away from 6:30p-8p each night to spend time with the M & 2.0s. No DM’s, no Twitter, etc. during this time.