• When: 2017-10-31
  • QIC: Socrates
  • The PAX: Ocho Cinco, Colombo, Choo Choo, and Socrates

The Jumaji Herd Parties Like Its 1517

Conditions:  40 degrees, light winds, 92% humidity, 38 degree dew point, 30.08” pressure, with a low UV index.

My name is Socrates and my last Q was August 29, 2017.

4 PAX gather in the well-lite Jumanji gloom due to the fact that all the field lights were on during the workout. The 4 members of the herd were able to remove themselves from the warm fart sack and post this morning.  Choo Choo even showed up wearing his Halloween custom of a straw-less scarecrow.  The PAX probably wondered if the workout was to be a trick or tear, given the date.  Little did they know, YHC had other plans on this day.

It was 500 years ago this very day that the way we worship changed forever and ushered in Protestantism as we know it.  It was on this day that Martin Luther nailed his writing, Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences  (aka “95 theses”) to the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Germany.  Thanks to work of men like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and my man John Knox (just to name a few), the Protestant Reformation began and worked its way around the globe.

While this is an auspicious occasion, let us not confuse it with Lisa Simpson’s creation of Lutherans, see here:

Given today’s importance in history, YHC decided to theme today’s workout around the historic event.

Of course, no Socratic BB is complete without accompanying music to read by, so here is YHC’s favorite jungle related song, by the Time, featuring, the one, the only Morris Day:

So, one minute warning was sounded, no FNGs noted, opening prayer offered, and off we went into the bright jungle.

Mosey our way along the path for a nomadic COP:

First Stop:

  • 10 Wind Mills (IC)

  • 31 SSHs (IC)
  • 15 TTTs (IC)

  • 17 Mountain Climbers (IC) , mosey a little further

Second Stop:

  • 10 Merkins (IC)
  • 31 LBCs (IC)
  • 15 Freddie Mercurys (IC)
  • 17 Ray Charles (IC), mosey a little more further

Third stop:

  • 10 Raise the Roofs (IC)
  • 31 Overhead Claps (IC)
  • 15 LAC (backward) (IC)
  • 17 LACs (forward) (IC), mosey a little more further

Fourth stop:

  • 10 Monkey Humpers (IC)

  • 31 Calf Raises (IC)
  • 15 Monkey Humpers (IC)
  • 17 Squats (IC).

Make our way over to the bricks, everybody grab 2 and circle up for The Thang:

  • 25 Curls Squats (IC)
  • 25 Alternating Front Raises (IC)
  • 25 Tricep Extensions Squats (IC)
  • 25 Military Presses Squats (IC)

Rinse and repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 sets.

On your six

  • 95 LBCs (single counts – due to time constraints)

Return bricks to their place of keeping and jail break it back to the SF for COT, BOM, and closing prayer.

Naked Moleskin:  Great effort by the Herd today, YHC always enjoys the time spent at Jumanji, thanks for having me.  Side note – I have never seen so many O’s and C’s in PAX names at one AO, ever.

So you know, the numbers from today:  The date of Martin Luther’s act was used in the COP, 10/31/1517; we did 500 reps with the bricks which represented the 500 years since that act; and the 95 LBCs were for the 95 theses.


  • Prayers for healing for Colombo’s step mother, Nancy
  • Unspoken prayers


  • Tomorrow special edition coffeteria after Stampede at Compton’s Kitchen
  • Choo Choo is collecting shoes and mac n cheese
  • 11/11 John Flanagan Memorial 10K, signup now, LEAVE NO DOUBT
  • 12/15 F3/FiA Christmas Party, preblast https://www.f3midlands.com/lexington-sc/preblast-4th-annual-f3fia-christmas-party
  • 1/27 GrowRuck Weekend in Midlands
  • Suport F3’s Speed for Need, see Twitter-site: https://twitter.com/F3SPEEDFORNEED
  • F3 (2nd and 3rd Fs) Lunches are a-plenty. Check Twitter and the website for details. In fact, there is a whole lot going on, so check the website and Twitter often for updates. Another good place to look for updates/info is in the announcements of the posted Back Blasts.
  • Many, many running groups, a rucking group, and kettle bells groups on non-bootcamp days, so get out and get better.

Devo (from Our Daily Bread)

Ruth’s Story

Ruth cannot tell her story without tears. In her mid-eighties and unable to get around much anymore, Ruth may not appear to be a central figure in our church’s life. She depends on others for rides, and because she lives alone she doesn’t have a huge circle of influence.

But when she tells us her story of salvation—as she does often—Ruth stands out as a remarkable example of God’s grace. Back when she was in her thirties, a friend invited her to go to a meeting one night. Ruth didn’t know she was going to hear a preacher. “I wouldn’t have gone if I knew,” she says. She already had “religion,” and it wasn’t doing her any good. But go she did. And she heard the good news about Jesus that night.

Now, more than fifty years later, she cries tears of joy when she talks of how Jesus transformed her life. That evening, she became a child of God. Her story never grows old

It doesn’t matter if our story is similar to Ruth’s or not. What does matter is that we take the simple step of putting our faith in Jesus and His death and resurrection. The apostle Paul said, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved” (Rom. 10:9).

That’s what Ruth did. You can do that too. Jesus redeems, transforms, and gives us new life.