Baby, it’s cold outside……(not trying to be “rapey” here, it was actually cold…upper 30’s). Skies were clear, with a full moon and peak Ursid meteor watching conditions (look at “the Little Dipper” aka “Ursa Minor” to see them this time of the year as the Earth passes through the remnants of a comet’s tail).
More information on the Ursid meteor shower can be found here.
Current conditions are a few days late and a few dollars short on this backblast as YHC has been recovering from a bit of an awkward movie experience as those on the Depot chat know.
One Minute Warning, Disclaimer, Warm Up
During the disclaimer, it was obvious the PAX (save Moose, who had already gone for a run #P200 comin’ and Arrears, who had not arrived yet and was presumably warming himself up in his truck on the way…..
) needed to be warmed up quickly.
In honor of YHC’s Alma Mater’s recent bowl victory #GoHerd, we did a modification of Thunderstruck that went a little like this:
- Play AC/DC’s Thunderstruck
- Every time there is a “thunder” do either a burpee or a jump squat at the whim of the Q
- When not burpeeing or jump squating, exercises are SSH, squats, and LACs, again at the whim of the Q
- Enjoy here if you want to relive – RIP Malcolm
Roughly 4.5 minutes and 33 burpees or jump squats (or 1 minute and ~8 jump squats if Arrears) later, the group was thoroughly warmed up. We did a quick run down the hill up the street and to the block pile where we each grabbed a block (or in EZ’s case, 2 blocks) and sauntered back to the parking lot and circled up.
The Thang
The weather here in the south has been a bit wetter than normal the last few months. While YHC likes aquifer recharge just as much as the next PAX, all of this rain has put a damper on handball. With the fields so saturated, it just isn’t safe (or morally or ethically upright) to play.
Since handball is off the table until things dry out a bit, the main event today was a mini game show that YHC calls:
Depot’s Super Awesome Fun Game Time!!!
Now YHC knows what you are thinking with a title like that, maybe something silly like this….
or this….
or even this…..
ok, too far on the last one???
Anywho, onto the game….
YHC produced a 20 sided die (aka a d20) and two six sided dice (aka d6) (don’t ask YHC why he has these things), a clipboard, a pen, and an excel formatted weinke.
The game is pretty simple:
- A PAX bear crawls to the center of the circle
- Roll the d20, this determines the exercise we do AND the “fun fact” the PAX will share with the group
- Share your fun fact
- Then roll the 2d6, this determines the number of reps of the exercise we do
- Note if you roll doubles, you double the number of reps
- If you roll “snake eyes” you reroll both dice and triple the number of reps
- Rinse and repeat with each PAX nicely taking turns and not criticizing anyone on either their dice roles, their form, or the answer to their fun fact.
- Additional rule – we won’t do the same exercise twice. If you roll an exercise we’ve done before 5 times in a row, then there is a 5 burpee penalty.
Unlike YHC’s last two Q’s, where the reps weren’t diligently recorded, YHC enlisted the PAX to help and you can see the full sheet with the exercises, reps, and questions below.
This being an XL bootcamp (1 hour vs normal 45 mins) we were able to get through all 20 exercises and still have time to do a few more rounds of burpees and another lap around the track.
Since last Thursday, we did ~12 minutes of Mary, we skipped Mary today. We put up our blocks and circled up for BOM
The P200 is coming, reach out to @F3LakeMurray if you aren’t yet on a team, probably still a slot or two somewhere out there and there are always last minute holes to fill.
Reminder – the Ocho on Sunday’s at 8 PM, @F3depot. Handball….#America’sGame
Reminder – coffeeteria following Handball on Saturdays. Chick-Fil-A is the usual spot for this.
Run groups – Options galore for the PAX!
- Swagger – Monday at Little Caesar’s on St. Andrews (0530 am), and Wednesday behind Starbucks on Harbison (0530 am)
- Twilight – Tues/Thurs behind Spring Hill High School (0430 am…no, that’s not a typo), @f3twilight
- Stagger – Wednesday at Ballentine Elementary (0530 am), @f3stagger
- Donut Run – Friday at Lake Murray Blvd behind Dunkin Donuts (0515 am),
- 401k Run – Sunday, across from Lowman Home in Bethel Lutheran parking lot (BOM 6:45 pm) follow – @f3_401k_run
- Saturday’s – Just run at handball OR someone is always training for something somewhere on Saturday mornings, DM me or @F3LakeMurray and we’ll hook you up!
Rucking more your speed? Follow F3LakeMurray Rucking at @F3LMRucking for all the deets!
2019 Q sheet is up and ready for your input. Get your favorite dates before someone else snatches them.
I’ll be brief here as it’s time to get back to the Christmas festivities. If you missed out Saturday, we missed you there. It wasn’t exactly a gut punching smokefest as some of the ones we’re known to have at Depot, but there was a little variety, some laughter, and at least a few awkward blank stare moments. I’ll just leave this right here for the younger PAX….
A few fun facts about the PAX who attended….
None have been in a Turkish prison…yet
EZ – Much like his name, EZ is content in certain situations to take it easy and let others do the work at times
Hokie Pokie – Turns out, he was born in the deep south of Canada….aka upstate NY (upstate NY = everywhere but the City, right?)
Lap Dog – prefers romantic Gatlinburg getaways over Dolly and her Pigeon Forge kitsch (aka myrtle beach of the mountains).
Box Wine – in a bit of serendipity, turns out Paul Giamatti would likely play him in a movie (although Lap Dog suggested strongly and repeatedly that Box Wine was more of a Brad Pitt), even if in the Princes Bride.
Moose – chunky and morning wood…..#hadtobethere
Arrears – turns out he is uber patriotic in his choice of celebrity crushes, choosing the homely plain jane Colombian crooner Shakira #woofwoof #barkbark #moomoo
Fool’s Gold – Favorite 80’s film is Back to the Future, porn name – Sunshine Coleman
Prayer Requests
The family of Dianne Wells (FiA Digits) and those others who were impacted by this tragic accident are still fresh in our minds. Please continue to pray for them and participate in the fundraiser for the family here if you are inclined to donate.
Those traveling during the holidays
Morning Wood > Bollywood (Sorry Lumbergh) > Dollywood
Merry Christmas and SYITG!