A dirty dozen came together at Strut this morning to enjoy the gloom and a guest Q from yours truly. I always enjoy summer because with the kiddos out of school, I’m better able to get around to some of the other AO’s in town. Strut has always been a favorite of mine because it has everything you could want… Fields, playgrounds, hills, rocks, and more. Today we made pretty good use of that big, beautiful hill!
Thanks for letting me come play… It was a good’n!
Here is how things went down:
70 and humid, but breezy
Disclaimer & Warm Up:
- SSH x 20 (IC)
- Through the Tunnel x 10 (IC)
- Imperial Walker x 20 (IC)
- Windmill x 10 (IC)
- Mosey to Press Box/Concession Stand
More Warming Up:
- 10 Burpees (OYO)
- 10 step ups each leg
- 15 incline merkins (hands on step)
- 15 decline merkins (feet on step)
- 25 dips
Just A Little More Warming Up:
- Start at corner of planter
- Bear crawl to first corner – 10 merkins
- Lunge to 2nd corner – 20 squats
- Crab walk to 3rd corner – 30 LBCs
- Lunge to starting point – SSH waiting on the 6
Humpin’ It On The Hill:
Mosey to the rock pile, get a rock, meet at hill, partner up
- Man 1 runs hill – does monkey humpers – comes down.
- Man 2 alternates shoulder press & curls with rock.
- Switch when your partner gets to base of hill.
- Both men will do five trips to top.
- Round 1 – 10 Monkey Humpers
- Round 2 – 20 Monkey Humpers
- Round 3 – 30 Monkey Humpers
- Round 4 – 30 Monkey Humpers
- Round 5 – 20 Monkey Humpers
- Round 6 – 10 Monkey Humpers
Each pax will take a spin, whole group does the exercise. No duplicates.
Spins are a crapshoot… here are the possibilities:
- 10 x Hand Release Merkins
- 20 x Merkins
- 30 x Curls
- 40 x Overhead press
- 2 x Backpedal up the Hill
- 10 x Jump Squats
- 20 x Lunges
- 30 x Monkey Humpers
- 25 x Russian Twist (count right side)
- 25 x Ray Charles (count right side)
- 25 x BBSU
- 50 x LBC
- 4 x Sprint the Hill
- 20 x Burpees
- Run Touch a Doorknob
- 1 x Lap around Closest Field
For those of you scoring at home, I think we ended up getting through hand release merkins, backwards up the hill, overhead press, lunges, Ray Charles, BBSU, burpees, doorknob, and lap around the field. So we knocked out 9 of 16 before we ran out of time.
To The Shovel Flag!
- Friday, 6/15 – Dads/Kids boot camp at Foxhole this Friday (7:00-7:30). Meet in the back parking lot at Dutch Fork High School for a fun morning with the kiddos. All ages and abilities welcomed. This is one of the highlights of the summer for me and my kids. It’s always a good time and the kids love a good nickname!
- Wednesday, 6/20 – It was around a year ago that we lost Cheech over in Lexington. Our brothers across Lake Muddy are hosting a Run-vergence next Wednesday, 6/20 to help remember and honor Cheech, his friends, and his family. Remember to wear your red and show off your guns!
- Saturday, 6/23 – F3iA (FiA & F3) Family Workout. 8:00 at Depot (Ballentine Park). Again, this is a big time for the kids. Plus it gives us a chance to get to know some of our FiA friends. Plan to be there. MeterMaid and his M MoneyMaid will be on the Q.
- Aim High has the Q downtown at the Mission this weekend. Try to join if you can. Great opportunity to meet and bond with a group of men that can use some support and bonding.
- Saturday, 6/30 – Mission is coming to Strut to get a taste of the gloom. Come join us to support this group!
- Friday, 8/3 – Mission cookout at Pine Island. Listen out for details on how to help get this off the ground.
Prayer Requests:
- Marti and Kimberly, wives of Aim High and Fiji. Prayers for health, strength, healing, and love. (3 John 1:2)
- Enterprise… Prayers for patience and perseverance. (James 1:2-3)
Genesis 2: 1-3
So the earth, the sky, and everything in them were finished. God finished the work he was doing, so on the seventh day he rested from his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it special because on that day he rested from all the work he did while creating the world.
- Summer is here… Kids are out of school, vacations are coming up, it is a built in break for a lot of people.
- Even though we don’t get a long break from work the way kids do from school, we can still make it a point to pump the breaks and slow things down a bit.
- Take time for your families. Leave time in your schedule to just sit and reflect, talk, go for a walk with the family, or just do nothing at all!
- Put down the phone, laptop, tablet and go make the most of this down time with the fam before things get crazy again.
- It’s okay to take advantage of a little rest time…. Even God did that!
Thanks for having me, Strut… I enjoyed it!