Much warmer than Siri was predicting last night when I laid my thermal Hello Kitty Under Armour bloomers out on my hope chest. At nearly 50 degrees it was down right toasty! #StillSubCoppertone
The mood was gay….with the Pax light, fresh, and undeterred even with the ill tidings that last night’s blood moon and this morning’s subsequent red sun rising might bring.
Sorry Orlando….no blood was spilled. That only happens at Handball. Right Stewardess??? Still too soon? #NeverForget
Disclaimer, Warm Up
After a quick disclaimer, the PAX were warmed by YHC up with the following:
- SSH X 10 IC
- IW X 10 IC
- TTT X 10 IC
- LAC X 10 IC Forward
- LAC X 10 IC Reverse
- Penthouse Shuffle (aka Motivators) starting at 5 and working down to one (note the PAX are really getting the hang of this now. Incredible precision and grace…..)
We are coming for you Simon! #AGT
Take a slow mosey around the entrance road loop, grab a block, and head to the playground.
The Thang
In the spirit of the #P200, YHC decided to do a little bit of our own relay with the number 200 being a focal point. The PAX were divided into teams of two and then further instructions given.
The exercises were as follows, with the teammates rotating back and forth between until their cumulative number of reps was 200.
Full disclosure here, I stole the everybody do 5 merkins after each exercise thing from Neck Brace’s last Q (since he was a no show, I suppose I’m safe from copyright infringement).
- Set A (5 Pull Ups, 5 Merkins, 5 second breather) Set B (200 Rows) flapjack throughout
- Plank on the six
- Set A (5 Pull Ups, 5 Merkins, 5 second breather….or 20 if you were YHC and had to shed your many layers …..sorry Laettner) Set B (200 Curls) flapjack throughout
- Plank on the six
- Set A (10 Park Bench Merkins) Set B (200 Overhead Presses) flapjack throughout
- Plank on the six
- Set A (10 Park Bench Merkins) Set B (200 Big Boy Sit Ups) flapjack throughout
- Pick up the six
As we wrapped up the Big Boys, YHC did a quick check of the watch….
…and recognized the time for Mary was nigh, we skipped the next exercise (it was going to be block swings, you are welcome) and headed to the southeastern corner of the parking lot to stay safely away from the garbage truck doing a K-turn by the dumpster. #DepotProblems
Mary consisted of:
- Freddie Mercurys x 10 IC
- LBCs x 10 IC
- Flutter Kicks x 10 IC
- Hello Dollys x 10 IC
Time up, we did the COT and BOM.
Depot and F3 Lake Murray have historically been well represented at the P200 and this year is no different. Depot Boot Camps have been a little scarce the last month or so as the PAX are trying to get every last bit of hay in the barn before the big day.
Despite that, we had a good turnout today with 9 PAX rising from the cozy confines of the fartsack to come out and get a little bit better by taking their #DRP. I am appreciative of that and I’m also appreciative of the opportunity to guest Q for Penthouse who was out with a little “Hay Fever”….see what I did there?
As I reflect on my 2 year anniversary with F3 (start date 3/11/17), I’m humbled and honored to have a host of “brothers from another mother” in this group of amazing men. I’m incredibly grateful to have stumbled into F3 2 years ago and in particular Lake Murray and Depot. It is something special we have going on here and I am very blessed just to be a part of it. I look forward to the next 2 years and hopefully many beyond that where we can continue to grow this thing called F3, sharing it with more and more folks out there who are currently resigned to sadclownerie.
I also very much look forward to what I assume will be a big spike in attendance in Boot Camp as the P200 concludes AND those PAX who’ve been hibernating all winter emerge from their dens to join us! Game On!
A few shout outs here below to the Depot PAX who are representing at the P200 this weekend.
Team Roquidos has stepped up their marketing game and created the below graphic, which may or may not be also hanging up at the Ballentine Post Office and in the men’s bathroom at Ray’s Place. PSA – men lock up your M’s before scrolling down lest they be entranced by these huge, hunks of man meat.
Although their propaganda is a little less sophisticated than Team Roquidos (as they really don’t need any propaganda) our other full and part-time Depot PAX including EZ, Blue Crab, Neck Brace, Uno, Mayhem, Magoo, Pantyhose, Napalm, MIB, Blow, Wolverine, and Ratatouille fill another pair of vans destined for P200 glory!
Best of luck to both of these teams as they represent Depot and F3 Lake Murray in 2019!
Kick some ass men!!!
The P200 is….here! If your FOMO is out of control, go ahead and HC for next year!
P200 Runners – Depending on when you read this, by now you may be nestling into your cozy beds in anticipation of the P200. Or maybe it reaches you as you are in a van with a bunch of sweaty dudes parked beside the highway in rural SC (this could apply to non-P200 folks as well I suppose). Maybe you are even done and those post-P200 blues are settling in. Either way, it’s time to get your name on that Q sheet and make it your bitch. Help us all to get better by posting, Qing, and EHing those who have fallen off the wagon or have yet to discover F3.
Still reading? Aren’t sick of YHC yet? Well, if you aren’t P200ing, come on out to Depot on Saturday at 0630 where YHC will again be your Q. Open invitation to all @f3lakemurray PAX (or any PAX at all really).
The Mission – is looking for AOs to post in Columbia as they’ve done annually. Keep your eye on the twitters for opportunities and check in with Stones @mcwhirter_eddie with any questions.
Reminder – the Ocho on Sunday’s at 8 PM, @F3depot. Handball….#America’sGame
Reminder – coffeeteria following Handball (or Boot Camp) on Saturdays. Chick-Fil-A is the usual spot for this.
Run groups – Options galore for the PAX!
- Swagger – Monday at Little Caesar’s on St. Andrews (0530 am), and Wednesday behind Starbucks on Harbison (0530 am), now officially on the twitters @f3swagger, give it a follow!
- Twilight – Tues/Thurs behind Spring Hill High School (0430 am…no, that’s not a typo), @f3twilight
- Stagger – Wednesday at Ballentine Elementary (0530 am), @f3stagger
- Donut Run – Friday at Lake Murray Blvd behind Dunkin Donuts (0515 am),
- 401k Run – Sunday, across from Lowman Home in Bethel Lutheran parking lot (BOM 5 pm) follow – @f3_401k_run
- Saturday’s – Just run at handball OR someone is always training for something somewhere on Saturday mornings, DM me or @F3LakeMurray and we’ll hook you up!
Rucking more your speed? Follow F3LakeMurray Rucking at @F3LMRucking for all the deets!
Tclaps to Phonebooth for running up a storm of late. This guy continues to be the picture of consistency. #ManOfDepot
Tclaps to Buddy Love for crushing his PR in the Tobacco Road Marathon by 14 minutes!!! #MarlboroManOfDepot
Prayer Requests
Our F3 Lake Murray brothers (and all those participating) in the P200 this weekend. Safe travels men! Have fun and be safe!
Penthouse as he recovers from SC Pollenfest 2019. Get this man better so he can get back to shufflin’.
Laettner’s relationship with his backyard. Let him be the bigger man and not Roundup the whole thing in anger. #PoisonIvy
Brother Si as he continues his mission trip in Greece.
The time is nigh, embrace the gloom.