Conditions: Perfect. If you’re not getting up and out to enjoy this weather (is it finally fall?), you’re missing out. Consider this a friendly reminder that Stumblers run on M,W,F; bootcampers workout (Woodshed! Legion!) on T,Th; and Rogue Runners run on T,Th (starting at Starbucks). There’s really no excuse not to post.
YHC decided to go with a tried and true Wed. Hampton Hill – Lake Katherine – Whole Foods run . . . or at least he remembered it being a tried and true Wednesday run. It turns out the route was a little short of the 5.5 mile goal, and we arrived back at the AO a few minutes earlier than the allotted 1 hour. Fortunately, Holy Poker was in full-out recovery mode from the TRU and wasn’t able to give YHC too much hell, and the route allowed the Stumblers who posted at the Armory to get in a good run. Win, win.
The Route:
- AO to Old Woodlands via Chambly and Queensway
- Old Woodlands to Garners Ferry
- Right on GF to Hampton Hill Rd
- Up, up, up Hampton Hill and then down, down down Hampton Hill to Ft Jackson Blvd
- Right on FJB and then quick left on Kilbourne
- Kilbourne to Rickenbacker
- Rickenbacker to Crowson
- Left on Crownson
- Crowson to Ft Jackson Blvd
- Right on FJB and down past the side of Whole Foods to Devine
- Left on Devine to MOM
- Up, up, up Mom to Woodhill Circle
- Right on Woodhill Circle and then all the way around back to Garners Ferry
- Right on GF and running past Target, past Verizon, in front of the VA, and finally a right on Veterans Rd.
- Veterans Rd to Byron to Wormwood
- Right on Wormwood up the hill around the corner and a right on Olde Knight for a dash to the flag
- 10/13 — tentative date for a Stumble, Woodshed, Iron Yard, Rogue Runners, and Legion convergence at the Mission
- 10/20 — Six Year Anniversary Convergence at Brickpile. Details to follow – check twitter
- Kudos to the men who braved the TRU
Devo by Pipeline:
Pipes gave a condensed version of his pre-Stumble Armory Q: Reminder that there is a higher law and rules to which we all adhere, regardless of faith background. The “Samson Syndrome” is where we believe that we are powerful or wise enough to ignore these fundamental rules. Like Samson, strong men – those who are successful, influential, self-confident, aggressive, or widely respected – face tendencies (lust, ignoring good advice, big egos, fears of authentic intimacy, losing sight of the big picture, etc.) that can lead to sin, failures, and personal tragedy. We’re never more than one bad choice away from humiliation.
Learn more by posting to the Armory on Wednesday mornings @ 5:00am where the Pax are reading from “The Samson Syndrome” by Mark Atteberry (