YHC was filling in for Cesspool and needed the accountability after traveling for the last week. Thunder was a lot brighter today with new lights in the parking lot. Lots of mumble chatter courtesy of Robber and the PAX enjoyed the chatter but not the gas.
Conditions: Mild 42 degrees
The Thang:
W/u: 15 SSH IC, 1 lap, 30 merkins, 30 squats, 30 LBCs, 30 American Hammers
Harley Quinn’s
Cones place at 10, 20, 30, 40 yards for suicides. Perform full ladder each round 10,20,30,40,30,20,10. Exercise A performed at 10, 30 yards, Exercise B performed at 20, 40 yards. Yard line= # of reps. 10yd=10reps, 20yd=20reps etc.
Round 1: Ex A: Merkins Ex B: Sit-ups When get back to start line perform 1 burpee before doing next suicide. Hold Plank while PAX finish
Round 2: Ex A: Monkey Humpers Ex B: Reverse Lunges (2-count) 2 burpees at start line each suicide. Hold Plank while PAX finish
Round 3: Ex A: Carolina Dry Docks. Ex B: Mountain Climbers (2-count) 3 burpees at start line each suicide. Hold Plank while PAX finish
1-lap around track to cool-down. 2 minutes of stretching hamstrings.
Check out The Mission video highlighting the relationship with F3!