• When: 2020-01-30
  • QIC: Lug Nut
  • The PAX: Mud Dawg, PopTart, Strudel, Commodore, Hustler, Oscar, Pinkman, Costanza, Spot, Robber, McLovin, Lug Nut

Thunder meet Harley Quinn

YHC was filling in for Cesspool and needed the accountability after traveling for the last week. Thunder was a lot brighter today with new lights in the parking lot. Lots of mumble chatter courtesy of Robber and the PAX enjoyed the chatter but not the gas.

Conditions: Mild 42 degrees

The Thang:

W/u: 15 SSH IC, 1 lap, 30 merkins, 30 squats, 30 LBCs, 30 American Hammers

Harley Quinn’s

Cones place at 10, 20, 30, 40 yards for suicides. Perform full ladder each round 10,20,30,40,30,20,10. Exercise A performed at 10, 30 yards, Exercise B performed at 20, 40 yards. Yard line= # of reps. 10yd=10reps, 20yd=20reps etc.

Round 1: Ex A: Merkins Ex B: Sit-ups When get back to start line perform 1 burpee before doing next suicide. Hold Plank while PAX finish

Round 2: Ex A: Monkey Humpers Ex B: Reverse Lunges (2-count) 2 burpees at start line each suicide. Hold Plank while PAX finish

Round 3: Ex A: Carolina Dry Docks. Ex B: Mountain Climbers (2-count) 3 burpees at start line each suicide. Hold Plank while PAX finish

1-lap around track to cool-down. 2 minutes of stretching hamstrings.


Check out The Mission video highlighting the relationship with F3!


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